Discussion on Week 1's Topic

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Discussion topics of First weeks are:-

by Fateha Nasrin 181-15-1900 -
Number of replies: 0

How to use Python in Artificial intelligence ?

 Python is the most simplest programming language.it has a very simple syntax. This simple syntax can be implemented to solve simple problem, and it can also be used to solve complex problems . python has support for pre-built libraries. finally python is very convenient for AI developers.

 Discuss the Basic Python(Syntax ,Variables and data types ) with example.

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language. its simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability.

python syntax:

print " Hello, World !"


x = 4        x is of type integer    ;    y ="Sally" y is of type string      ;     z= 4.5   z is of type float

Data Type:

Text Type: str  ;     Numeric Types: int, float, complex   ;    Sequence Types: range      ;       Boolean Type: bool