The key contents of the Law of Crimes II, will cover the with mentioning and highlighting discussion on some important topics:

The key contents of the Law of Crimes II, will cover the  with mentioning and highlighting discussion on some important topics:  

 Introduction to Law of Crime: 

  • Crime and Civil Injuries, 
  • Constituents of Crime, 
  • Actus Reus, Mens rea, 
  • Concurrence between Actus Reus and Mens rea,; 

 General Principles of criminal liability: 

  • Principle of Legality, 
  • Corporate liability, 
  • Vicarious liability especially referring to Sec. 34, 114, 149 of Penal Code, Strict liability; 

 General exceptions: 

Judicial Acts, Mistake of Fact, 

  • Defense of Accident, 
  • Defense of Necessity, 
  • Defense of Minority, 
  • Defense of Insanity, 
  • Defense of Intoxication, 
  • Consent;

  • Punishment: 

  • Its Objects and Limits. 
  • Some Crimes and False Evidence: 
  • Abetment, 
  • Criminal Conspiracy, 
  • Giving False Evidence, 
  • Fabricating False Evidence,  
  •  The most important offenses Against the State and other Public Interests: 
  • Offences against State, 
  • Unlawful Assembly and Offences Relating to it, Rioting, Affray; 

And few additional topics which we will add according to the needs of discussions, sharing and caring

Here we are going to learn and share some of the important definitions and terms under the penal Code.
Our Course Objectives (CO): 
The objectives of this course are to: 
1. know about the crime;
 2. understand how to read, analyze, interpret, and argue for different interpretations of crime; 
3. analyse crimes through various perspectives to come to a just decision; 
4. to define the scope of state interest in law enforcement against specific offenses and to systematize the exercise of state criminal jurisdiction. 
Our Learning Outcomes (LO): Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to: 
1. apply critical thinking skills in the reading and interpretation of legal materials (statues, court decisions); 
2. understand the legal concepts and terminology in substantive area of criminal law; 
3. understand the relationship between procedural rules and substantive law; 
4. classify offenses and articulate penalties for various crimes; 5. compare culpable mental states when assigning criminal responsibility.

The key contents of the Law of Crimes II will cover the  with mentioning and highlighting discussion on some important topics:  
 Introduction to Law of Crime: 
  • Crime and Civil Injuries, Constituents of Crime, Actus Reus, Mens rea, Concurrence between Actus Reus and Mens rea,; 
 General Principles of criminal liability: Principle of Legality,  Corporate liability, Vicarious liability especially referring to Sec. 34, 114, 149 of Penal Code, Strict liability;  General exceptions: Judicial Acts, Mistake of Fact, Defense of Accident, Defense of Necessity,  Defense of Minority, Defense of Insanity, Defense of Intoxication, Consent; Punishment: Its Objects and Limits. Some Crimes and False Evidence:  Abetment, Criminal Conspiracy, Giving False Evidence, Fabricating False Evidence,   The most important Offenses Against the State and other Public Interests: Offences against State, Unlawful Assembly and Offences Relating to it, Rioting, Affray;  And few additional topics which we will add according to the needs of discussions, sharing and caring

Last modified: Sunday, 28 June 2020, 10:23 PM