LAW OF CRIMES II introductory words and welcome

  • The key contents of the Law of Crimes II, will cover the  with mentioning and highlighting discussion on some important topics:  

     Introduction to Law of Crime: 

    • Crime and Civil Injuries, 
    • Constituents of Crime, 
    • Actus Reus, Mens rea, 
    • Concurrence between Actus Reus and Mens rea,; 

     General Principles of criminal liability: 

    • Principle of Legality, 
    • Corporate liability, 
    • Vicarious liability especially referring to Sec. 34, 114, 149 of Penal Code, Strict liability; 

     General exceptions: 

    Judicial Acts, Mistake of Fact, 

    • Defense of Accident, 
    • Defense of Necessity, 
    • Defense of Minority, 
    • Defense of Insanity, 
    • Defense of Intoxication, 
    • Consent;

    • Punishment: 

    • Its Objects and Limits. 
    • Some Crimes and False Evidence: 
    • Abetment, 
    • Criminal Conspiracy, 
    • Giving False Evidence, 
    • Fabricating False Evidence,  
    •  The most important offenses Against the State and other Public Interests: 
    • Offences against State, 
    • Unlawful Assembly and Offences Relating to it, Rioting, Affray; 

    And few additional topics which we will add according to the needs of discussions, sharing and caring