Group Members: Intesarul Haque Tomal - 182-15-2170 Abu Rashed Khan - 182-15-2155 Al Mahin Saad - 182-15-2222 Project Name: Library Management System Project Description : There are 9 possible Entities(can be added more). This project will help a reader to buy/order,borrow or read only books.Each books and members will have primary ID and other informations. Member type can be student or other people. Employees can be manager,supplier or delivery man,their info will be added also. Only member can borrow books on a date and return it on time. They can also re-issue the books By extending time. If they don't re-issue on time,they will be fined accordingly. A Reader/customer can also place an online/offline Orders so there will be quantity,price and transaction. Customer's details will also be added. Every books author's details will be there. Number of attributes can also be increased. Entity & attribute list: 1. Addbook (Book_id,Book_Name,Book_Code,category,Type(Borrow, Read only, Order),Date,Price) - Foreign key (author_id) 2. AddMember (Member_id, Name, DOB, Gender, Address, Email, Contact no,student_id, Member-Type(Student,Other)) 3. Book_Lend (record_no,issue_date,return_date) - Foreign Keys (member_id,book_id) 4. Book_Return (return_id,fine,late_days) - Foreign Keys (member_id,book_id) 5. Orders (Order_no,Order_date,Quantity) - Foreign keys(cus_id,book_id) 6. Customer (Cus_id,Cus_name,address,gender,phone) 7. Transactions (transaction_id, Price, payment_method) - Foreign keys (order_no,book_id) 8. Employee (Emp-id,Emp_name,number,address,type,salary,stats,dob) - Foreign key (Cus_id) 9. Author ( author-id,name,phone,dob,gender,address) Relationship - Add_member entity has relationship with book_lend and book_return Add_book has relationship with book_lend, book_return, Orders, Transaction and Author Customer has relationship with Employee and Orders Orders has relationship with Transction, Customer and Add_book Employee has a relationship with Customer Transaction has a relationship with orders Book_lend has relationship with add_book and add_member Book_return has relationship with add_book and add_member Author has a relationship with add_book Note: If you have any suggestion Sir,Please enlighten Us .