Topic outline

  • Welcome to the world of Artificial Intelligence

    Assalamuwalikum  Students,  welcome to Summer'21. Throughout this semester I will be with you in any problem.

    Hope you have a great semester. Best, SSH

    Audio welcome letter:  

  • Week 1

    • Topic-1 (PC-A) URL
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    • Topic-1 (pc-b) URL
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    • topic-1 (pc-c) URL
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    • Lab-1 (PC-C) URL
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  • Week 2

    Topics in AI : AGENTS

    • Topic-2 (part-1) (PC-A) URL
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    • topic-2 (part-1) (pc-b) URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-B
    • topic-2 (part-1) (pc-c) URL
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    • Topic-7 & Topic-2 (part-2) (PC-A) URL
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    • Topic-7 & Topic-2 (part-2) (PC-B) URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-B
    • Topic-7 & Topic-2 (part-2) (PC-C) URL
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    • lab-2 (pc-c) URL
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    • Lab performance-1 regression Assignment
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  • Week 3

  • Week 4

    • Topic-3 (part-2) (PC-A) URL
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    • topic-3 (part-2) (pc-b) URL
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    • topic-3 part-2 URL
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  • Quiz-1

  • Week 5

    A* search algorithm - Wikipedia

    • topic-4 part-1 URL
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    • classification lab part-1 URL
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    • lab performance-classification Assignment
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    • t-4 part-1 URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-B
    • t-4 part-1 URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-A
  • Week 6

    Evolving Solutions With Genetic Algorithms

    • t-4 part-2 URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-C
    • classification lab part-2 URL
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  • Week 7

    Midterm Exam

    Date and time will be announced later.

    • Mid Term Exam Assignment
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    • Mid Term Exam Assignment
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    • Mid Term Exam Assignment
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  • Week 8

  • Week 9

  • Week 10

  • Presentation And Assignment

    • Presentation Assignment
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    • Presentation Assignment
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    • Presentation Assignment
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    • Assignment
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    • Assignment
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    • Assignment
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  • Lab Final (PC-C)

    • Lab final Assignment
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  • Project Final

    • Project Final Assignment
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  • Final Exam

    • FINAL EXAM Assignment
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    • FINAL EXAM Assignment
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    • FINAL EXAM Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-A
  • Topic 20