Topic outline

  • Welcome to Data Communication Course

                                                                          Welcome video for my beloved students


    Basic Information:

    Course Code: CSE 225
    Program: B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering
    Faculty: Science and Information Technology
    Semester: Summer; Year: 2021
    Credit: 3.0; Contact Hour: 3 Hours/ Week
    Course Category: Core Engineering

    Course Instructor :


    MD Assaduzzaman

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering(CSE)
    Daffodil International University(DIU), Dhaka 
    Mobile: +01824089009
    Office Address: Room No. 506, 4th Floor, AB-04


    Course Rationale:

    To make effective communication between the gadgets it is critical to play out every single essential apparatus and their fundamental design precisely. Therefore, to comprehend the system structure, segments and other applicable devices and procedure is an absolute necessity. This course will give a prologue to the field data communications, Layered design of LAN, MAN and WAN, fundamentals of signalling, basic transmission concepts, error detection and correction etc.


    Course Objectives:

    To provide a solid conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of data communications. More specifically,

    • To learn the basic concepts of data communications.
    • To learn the layered architecture of communication protocols.
    • To learn digital signal transmission and encoding techniques.
    • To learn multiplexing techniques.
    • To learn the concepts and techniques in error detection and correction.
    • To learn LAN architectures and systems.
    • To learn the fundamental issues driving network design


    Course Outcomes (CO's):

    CO1       Interpret the components, tools and techniques of communication systems

    CO2       Illustrate the TCP/IP and OSI Reference model and identify their differences in implementation within and across enterprises.

    CO3       Explain how information can be sent via communication interfaces and links.

    CO4       Determine the various modulation and error detection and correction techniques and their application in communication systems.

    Assessment Strategies:

  • Week - 1: Overview of Data Communication

    Discussion Points: 

          • Introduction of data communications and defines their components and the types of data exchanged 
          • Discussion of different network topologies and their functionalities
          • Introduction of LANs, WANs, and internetworks (internets) 
          • Discuss the concept of switching to show how small networks can be combined to create larger ones.

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Recognize the concept of data communication and network.
          • Identify various kinds of’ geographical networks and their interconnectivity via various topologies

    Resources of Learning:

          • Lecture Slide [Download]
          • Lecture Video [Please add your annotated video]
          • Test Question [Please design self-test question of your own choice]

  • Week - 2: Layered Architecture of Networks

    Discussion Points: 

          • Concept of protocol layering using scenarios.
          • Discussion about the seven layers of the OSI Model.
          • Discussion about the five layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite
          • Addressing mechanism of each layer.

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Recognize the networking models used for seamless communication among computer user.
          • Find out how layered model communication functions can be organized and be very successful in communication.
          • Differentiate between OSI and TCP/IP models.

    Resources of Learning:

  • Week - 3: Introduction of Physical Layer (Analog and Digital)

    Discussion Points: 

          • Concept of data and signal of analog and digital.
          • Discussion about transmission impairments (attenuation, distortion, and noise)
          • Calculate the performance of data transmission including bandwidth, throughput, latency, and jitter. 
          • Class Test - 1

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Recognize the concept of analog and digital signals and their use in day to day communication.
          • Identify which transmission impairments cause problems in communication and their remedies.
          • Appreciate the importance of date rate limits in communication and performance measurement.

    Resources of Learning:

  • Week - 4: Digital Transmission

    Discussion Points: 

          • Concept of Line Coding, Block Coding and Scrambling.
          • Discuss and Illustrate the Digital to Digital Conversion Techniques
          • Discuss and Illustrate the Analog to Digital Conversion Techniques
          • Discussion about Transmission Modes

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Recognize the digital transmission technologies used for modern communication.
          • Identify and differentiate among various digital to digital, analog to digital conversion techniques.
          • Appreciate what important role transmission modes play in digital communication.

    Resources of Learning:

  • Week - 5: Analog Transmission

    Discussion Points: 

          • Discuss and Illustrate the Digital to Analog Conversion Techniques
          • Discuss and Illustrate the Analog to Analog Conversion Techniques

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Recognize the analog transmission technologies used for modern communication.
          • Identify and differentiate among various digital to analog, analog to analog conversion techniques.
          • Appreciate what important role modulation techniques play in communication.

    Resources of Learning:

  • Week - 6: Review of Previous Weeks

    Discussion Points: 

          • Review the difficult topics of previous weeks specifically, Signal conversions and performance measurement
          • Class Test 2

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Design and Illustrate various signal conversion techniques based on the problem given
          • Gain the ability to calculate the performance of a system based on different parameters.

    Resources of Learning:

          • Self Test Questions (Lesson-1)
          • Class Test - 2 (Lesson 2)

  • Week - 7: Midterm Exam

    Contents for Exam:

            • Topologies
            • TCP/IP
            • Transmission Impairments and Performance Analysis
            • Signal Conversions
            • Modulation Techniques

  • Week - 8: Review of Midterm Exam and Multiplexing

    Discussion Points: 

          • Review of Midterm Questions
          • Concept of Multiplexing
          • Demonstration of Frequency Division Multiplexing and its applications

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Recognize the multiplexing technologies used for modern communication.
          • Identify and deployment of frequency division multiplexing techniques and alternatives.

    Resources of Learning:

          • Lecture Slide [Lesson-1: Midterm Review] [Lesson-2]
          • Lecture Video

  • Week - 9: Multiplexing (Contd.)

    Discussion Points: 

          • Demonstration of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and its applications
          • Demonstration of Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and its applications
          • Discussion on Data rate management

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Identify, deployment and differentiate among WDM and TDM and their alternatives.
          • Role of Multiplexing in modern communication systems through data rate management

    Resources of Learning:

  • Week-10: Error Detection and Correction

    Discussion Points: 

          • Introduction Error and types of errors, Concept of Redundancy. 
          • Introduces the concept of Hamming Distance.
          • Discission about CRC and How it can be implemented in Hardware.

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Determine the types of errors that occur in modern communication channels and devices.
          • Identify, deployment and differentiate between Hamming Distance and CRC and their real-time applications.

    Resources of Learning:

  • Week - 11: Error Detection (Contd.)

    Discussion Points: 

          • Representation of CRC as Polynomials
          • Introduction of Checksum (Traditional and Complementary)
          • Brief discussion about Error Corrections
          • Class Test - 3

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Identify, deployment and differentiate between CRC (Polynomials) and Checksum and their real-time applications.
          • Appreciate the role of error correction in communication.

    Resources of Learning:

  • Week - 12: Media Access Control (MAC)

    Discussion Points: 

          • Taxonomy of MAC
          • Discussion of Random-Access Protocols (ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, and CSMA/CA )
          • Controlled-Access Protocols (Reservation, Polling, and Token-Passing)

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Implementation of ALOHA, CSMA/CA and C/D
          • Implementation of Reservation, Polling, and Token-Passing

    Resources of Learning:

  • Week - 13: Media Access Control (Contd.) & Review

    Discussion Points: 

          • Discussion about Channelization protocols. (FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA)
          • Review of the previously selected (based on the discussion in the forum) contents

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Implementation of CDMA in cellular telephony
          • Impletemtion of reviewed topics

    Resources of Learning:

          • Lecture Slide [Lesson-1] [Lesson-2: Review]
          • Lecture Video
          • Open-Ended Discussion 

  • Week - 14: Final Exam

    Final Exam Contents:

            • Implementation of FDM, TDM and Data Rate Management
            • Hamming Distance, CRC and Checksum
            • ALOHA, CSMA/CA, CSMA/CD, Reservation, Polling, Token Passing, CDMA

  • Topic 16

    • Topic 17

      • Topic 18

        • Topic 19

          • Topic 20