Topic outline

  • General

  • Week-01 Preparing Background

  • Week-02 Notation and Complexity Analysis

  • Week-03 Searching and Sorting Algorithm Based on Brute Force Approach

  • Week-04 Searching and Sorting Algorithm Based on Divide and Conquer Approach

    • Quiz PCQ Assignment
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    • Quiz PCE Assignment
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  • Week-05 Introduction to Greedy Approach

    • Lab Evaluation PCQ(CSE215) Assignment
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    • Bin Packing Problem(PCE) Assignment
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    • Bin Packing Problem(PCQ) Assignment
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  • Week-06 Mid-Term Examination

    • Mid Exam PCE Assignment
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    • Mid Exam PCQ Assignment
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    • Mid script submission-PCQ URL
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    • Form Submission_PCE URL
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  • Week-07 Introduction to Dynamic Programming

  • Week-08 Introduction to Dynamic Programming (Continue)

    • Classwork on LCS, LIS Assignment
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  • Week-09 Introduction to Graph And Graph Traversal

  • Week-10 Graph Application

    • Presentation PCQ Assignment
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    • Presentation PCE Assignment
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  • Week-11 Graph: Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm

  • Week-12 Lab Final


    All the problems solved till now including:

    1. Brute force

    2. Divide and Conquer

    3. Greedy Approach

    4. Dynamic programming

    • Lab Report Submission Assignment
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    • Lab Final Script Submission Assignment
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  • Week-14 Final Examination

    • Final Examination Script submission and Question(PCE) Assignment
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    • Final Examination Script submission and Question(PCQ) Assignment
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