Topic outline

  • Welcome to Data Mining and Machine Learning

     Welcome Note 

    Hello Students!

    Welcome to the world of "Data Mining and  Machine Learning" (CSE321) in Fall 2021. In this course, you are going to learn the fundamental concepts of Data Mining and  Machine Learning. You will get to know some basic tasks and algorithms which are related to data mining and machine learning problems. We are going to study in a way that you will get all the support in this online platform. The course is designed with plenty of tutorials and resources. You will find course contents, reference books, course delivery plans, all kinds of announcements, and contact information here.

    So, let's start our journey and make this semester a great and remarkable one.

    Instructor's Information:      

    Instructor Name: Nadira Anjum Nipa
    Designation: Lecturer
    Office Address: CSE Faculty room, Level -3, Daffodil Smart City, Ashulia Campus, Dhaka

    Course Rationale
    An introduction to data mining; Data preparation, model building, and data mining techniques such as clustering, decisions trees, and neural networks; Induction of predictive models from data: classification, regression, and probability estimation; Application case studies; Data-mining software tools review and comparison.

    Course Objectives

    • To appreciate the necessity of data mining in everyday life
    • To apply the concept of data mining in solving problems
    • To demonstrate applications of data mining using tools
    • To apply knowledge of data mining in project work

    Course Outcomes (CO’s)

    • CO1 Able to grasp the basic Data Mining Principles
    • CO2 Able to identify appropriate data mining algorithms to solve real-world problems
    • CO3 Able to compare and evaluate different data mining techniques like classification, prediction, clustering, and association rule mining
    • CO4 Able to apply data mining knowledge in problem-solving
    Grading Scheme
    Attendance: 7%
    Class Tests/Quizzes:  15%
    Assignment: 5%
    Presentation (using video/ppt): 8%
    Midterm Exam: 25%
    Final Exam: 40%

    • Text Book

    1. Introduction to Data Mining by Tan
    2. Machine Learning by Tom Mitchell

    • Reference Reading Materials
    1. Introduction to Data Mining and Applications
    2. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques
    3. Data Mining Techniques

    • Standard Templates
    1. IEEE Template
    2. ACM Template

  • Week 1: Introduction

    Topics of Discussion

    • Introduction to data mining
    • Why data mining is a discipline?
    • Overview of data mining tasks: Classifications, Regression, Clustering.

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Appreciation of the needs of data mining
    • Visualization of data warehouse 
    • Visualization of different data mining tasks

    Learning Resource

  • Week 2: Differences between Data Mining and Machine Learning

    Topics of Discussion

    • Overview of data mining tasks: Clustering, Association Rule Mining, etc.
    • Review of data mining tasks and related application examples.
    • Overview of Machine learning, the difference between Data Mining and Machine Learning.

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Visualization of data warehouse and relationship to data mining
    • Visualization of different data mining tasks
    • Analyze the difference between Data Mining and Machine Learning.

    Learning Resource

  • Week 3: Data

    Topics of Discussion

    • Overview of Data, Types of Data, Data Quality.
    • Introduction to Data Preprocessing; Measures of Similarity and Dissimilarity.

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Gather knowledge on Data, Types of Data, Data Quality.
    • Analyze Data Preprocessing; Measures of Similarity and Dissimilarity.

    Learning Resources

    • Lecture Slide [Data]
  • Quiz

    Quiz-1  Syllabus:

    • Topic-1: Introduction
    • Topic-2: Difference between Data Mining and Machine Learning
    • Topic-3: Data

    Question Pattern: MCQ, Written.

    • Opened: Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 7:30 PM
      Closed: Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 9:30 PM
  • Week 4: Exploring Data

    Topics of Discussion

    • Discussion on data mining process: Data preparation and cleansing and task identification
    • Introduction to OLAP

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Gather knowledge on Data preparation and cleansing and task identification.
    • Analyze Data Visualization.

    Learning Resources

  • Week 5: Introduction to Classification

    Topics of Discussion

    • Classification and Prediction
    • Classification: tree-based approaches

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Gather knowledge on tree-based classification approaches.
    • Analyze and implement tree-based classification algorithms.

    Learning Resources

    • Opened: Wednesday, 10 November 2021, 10:00 PM
      Due: Thursday, 25 November 2021, 11:00 PM
  • Week 6: Classification and Prediction: Continuation of Decision Tree

    Topics of Discussion

    • Classification and Prediction
    • Classification: tree-based approaches

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Gather knowledge on tree-based classification approaches.
    • Analyze and implement tree-based classification algorithms.

    Learning Resources

  • Week 7: Mid Examination

    Syllabus of Midterm: 
    • Week-1 to Week-6

               Topic - 1:  Introduction
               Topic - 2:  Difference between Data Mining and Machine Learning
               Topic - 3: Data
               Topic - 4: Exploring Data
               Topic - 5.1: Linear Classifier
               Topic - 5.2: Decision Trees

    • Opened: Tuesday, 16 November 2021, 1:30 PM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 November 2021, 4:20 PM
  • Week 8: Classification and Prediction: Alternative Techniques

    Topics of Discussion

    • Nearest-neighbor classifiers
    • Bayesian classifiers

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Gather knowledge on Nearest-neighbor, Bayesian classifiers classification approaches.
    • Analyze and implement these classification algorithms.

    Learning Resources

  • Week 9: Cluster Analysis

    Topics of Discussion

    • Clustering Data
    • Problem Solving using Clustering

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Gather knowledge on Clustering, different clustering approaches.
    • Analyze and implement clustering algorithms.

    Learning Resources

  • Week 10: Association Rule Mining

    Topics of Discussion

    • Association Rule Mining
    • Problem Solving using association rule mining

    Expected Learning Outcome

    • Gather knowledge on Association Rule Mining approaches.
    • Analyze and implement Association Rule Mining algorithms.

    Learning Resources

  • Week 14: Final Examination

    Syllabus of Final exam:

    • Cluster Analysis ->up to slide #74 
    • Association Rule Mining ->up to slide # 36

    For details watch this video.

    *****The exam will be held physically.