Topic outline

  • 🎉 Welcome to the course!!!

    Course Summary

    Dairy food and food products are the biggest part of our food industry; besides this it is very important for our health. This course will help the students of undergraduate level to know how to identify the purity of milk. The students will be able to manufacture different types of dairy products. These lab works are based on modern milk analyzing techniques


    Course Objectives

    The specific objectives of the course are to learn the basics of Dairy Science and Engineering, learn how to analyze clot on boiling test, fat test, acidity test, SNF (Solid  Not Fat) and total solid test, learn how to prepare Yoghurt, Cheese, Ice-cream, Condensed milk, Ghee, lassi and sweet and become expert and professionals in the field of commercial based product production.

    Guidelines for the Students:

    Guidelines for the Students:

    • All the students registered for this course have to enroll in Moodle.
    • Students can find all the course materials from Moodle and your topic based lecture and related resources will be available gradually.  You can explore a new topic just after finishing older one .( day by day)
    • One discussion or feedback forum or self learning test will be created under each of the lecture. It is mandatory to all to give their feedback in the forum or to participate in self learning test  and marks will be given based on their feedback.
    • Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on Moodle. So they have to keep themselves always active on Moodle.
    • All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Lab report " in Moodle under Lab report section created here and for this, they will be graded here. The topic and scheduled date of submission will be announced later.
    • All the Examination will be held on either in Moodle or in physical class
    • The question pattern and the syllabus for the lab performance and Lab final will be given hereunder each of the section of Lab Performance and lab final.

  • Experiment no.1: Safety in the laboratory

    Summery of the experiment:

    Avoid direct contact with any chemical. Never smell, inhale or taste laboratory chemicals. Always wash hands and arms with soap and water after removing gloves and before leaving the work area. Never eat, drink, chew gum or tobacco, smoke or apply cosmetics in the laboratory.

    Taking a Look at Lab Safety | MCR Safety Info Blog

  • COB test

    The C.O.B test is for acid milk that is too acid, pH <5.8 or abnormal milk, e.g. colostrum milk or mastitis-affected milk. If a milk sample fails in the test, it contains either many acid and rennet producing micro-organisms or the milk has an abnormally high percentage of proteins, as in colostrum milk.

  • Experiment no:2.3.4

    Milk density: The specific gravity of normal whole milk is 1.029 to 1.032 while for skim milk it is 1.036. Milk drawn from the udder contains a large volume of air bubbles and the milk fat undergoes a gradual solidification.

    Alcohol test: The alcohol test is used on fresh milk to indicate whether it will coagulate on thermal processing. This test is especially important for the manufacture of UHT milk, evaporated milk and milk powders. This test is more sensitive than Clot-on Boiling (COB) test.

    Sedimentation test: Purpose: Determine the amount (in mg per gallon of milk) of unwanted insoluble material (dirt, dust, etc.) that is present in raw milk. The amount of sediment found is used to grade the quality of the milk from the producer

  • Experiment Name: Starch test in milk

    3) Starch:
    Addition of carbohydrate to milk increases its solid content. There by reducing the amount of fat present in the milk. Starch is one such component that is added to adulterate milk.

  • Experiment No 05: Soda test of Milk

    Overview of the Experiment:
    This study was aimed to reveal the quality test of raw milk in quality control laboratory of a well reputed dairy industry in Bangladesh. Raw milk of cow that was collected from various dairy farms located in rural areas of Rangpur district of Bangladesh. Then platform test was accomplished. Platform test included Organoleptic test, Formalin test, Sugar test, Soda test, Lacto test etc. After platform test of raw milk, good quality milk was then allowed to microbiological tests. This study will help to know the common practice of adulterant in raw milk and microbial profile of industrial raw milk collected from rural area of Bangladesh.

    Soda Test Solution Milk Analysis, Packaging Size: 100 ml, Rs 343 /bottle |  ID: 23045474491

  • Experiment Name: Gerber Fat test in milk.

    The Gerber Method is a primary and historic chemical test to determine the fat content of substances, most commonly milk. The Gerber Method was developed and patented by Dr. Niklaus Gerber of Switzerland in 1891. In this method milk fat is separated from proteins by adding sulfuric acid.

    Milk contains approximately 3.4% total fat. Milk fat has the most complex fatty acid composition of the edible fats. Over 400 individual fatty acids have been identified in milk fat. However, approximately 15 to 20 fatty acids make up 90% of the milk fat. The major fatty acids in milk fat are straight chain fatty acids that are saturated and have 4 to 18 carbons (4:0, 6:0, 8:0, 10:0, 12:0, 14:0, 16:0, 18:0), monounsaturated fatty acids (16:1, 18:1), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:2, 18:3). Some of the fatty acids are found in very small amounts but contribute to the unique and desirable flavor of milk fat and butter. For example, the C14:0 and C16:0 ß-hydroxy fatty acids spontaneously form lactones upon heating which enhance the flavor of butter.

  • Determination of total solid and solid non fat.

    Milk is approximately 87 percent water and 13 percent solids. As it comes from the cow, the solids portion of milk contains approximately 3.7 percent fat and 9 percent solids-not-fat. Milkfat carries the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. The solids-not-fat portion consists of protein (primarily casein and lactalbumin), carbohydrates (primarily lactose), and minerals (including calcium and phosphorus). Milk also contains significant amounts of riboflavin and other water soluble vitamins. Federal definitions and standards of identity specify the minimum levels of milkfat and solids-not-fat for the various milks shipped in interstate commerce.

    Milk - Contains not less than 3.25 percent milkfat and 8.25 percent solids-not-fat. Addition of vitamins A and D is optional, but if added, vitamin A must be present at a level of not less than 2,000 International Units (I.U.) Per quart; vitamin D is optional, but must be present at a level of 400 I.U., if added. Characterizing flavoring ingredients may also be added.

    Determination of Total Milk Solid & Solid Non Fat (SNF)_A Complete  Procedure (AOAC 990.20 & 990.21) - YouTube

  • Experiment No:07

    The acidity of a solution results from the ionization of groups that split off or bind protons. Milk being a biological fluid secreted from mammary cells (gland) has to maintain isotonicity with the blood plasma. Further the proteins in milk exist in its native colloidal state only when the pH of milk is maintained constantly within the given range. Any change in the pH would destabilize the proteins and result in precipitation and gelation. The determination of acidity of milk is a rapid measure to understand the stability of milk during heat processing.

  • Preparation of Dahi

    To prepare dahi, fermented milk to extent utility of milk. To study the quality of the product.
  • Preparation of Lassi

    To extend the use of dahi for preparation of Lassi, butter milk beverage.
    To evaluate the quality of lassi.

  • Preparation of Butter


    1. To study different types of churns.
    2. Churning principles.
    3. Washing, working and packaging and storage of butter.
    4. To judge the quality of butter


    Summery: Yearning for a lip-smacking dessert recipe? Try this amazing sweet dish, which is super-soft and is enjoyed with saffron milk. It's none other than Ras Malai. Here is the simplest method on how to make this amazing dessert at home.

  • Experiment No:13

    There are many methods known for detection of adulteration in milk but the methods discussed below are simple but rapid and sensitive methods to detect adulteration.