Topic outline

  • Artificial Intelligence Lab - Python

  • Week 1

    Session I: Introduction to Data Visualization and Machine Learning Libraries

    Aim of the Session:

    –  Introduce data visualization libraries

    –  Hands-on work for data visualization using different datasets

    - Introduce Machine Learning Libraries

  • Week 2

    Session II: Data Processing

    Aim of the Session:

    –  Hands-on work with data 

  • Week 3

    Session III: Supervised ML Algorithms (Part 1)

    Aim of this lecture:

    –  Discuss Linear Regression

    –  Discuss Logistic Regression

    - Discuss KNN

    –  Apply Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, and KNN on Datasets 

  • Week 4

    Session IV: Supervised ML Algorithms (Part 2)

    Aim of this lecture:

    –  Discuss Linear Navie Byes

    -  Discuss Support Vector Machine

    - Discuss Decision Tree

    - Discuss Random Forest

    –  Apply NB, SVM, DT, and RF on Datasets 

  • Week 5

    Session V: Feature Engineering and Model Optimization

    Aim of the session:

    - Implement different Feature Engineering techniques on Data

    - Apply Optimization Techniques to improve the performance of an ML model

    • Opened: Sunday, 17 December 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Sunday, 24 December 2023, 12:00 AM
  • Week 6

    Session VI: Uninformed Search

    Aim of this lecture:

    –  Discussion on Uninformed Search (BFS, DFS, UCS)

    –  Apply uninformed search on a given problem

    • Opened: Monday, 4 September 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Monday, 11 September 2023, 12:00 AM
  • Week 7

    Session VII: Uninformed Search

    Aim of this lecture:

    –  Discussion on Informed Search (Greedy, A*)

    –  Apply Informed search on a given problem

    • Opened: Sunday, 17 December 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Sunday, 24 December 2023, 12:00 AM
  • Week 8

    Session VIII: Local Search and Adversial Search

    Aim of the session:

    - Discussion on Local Search
    - Discussion Adversial search
    - ApplyLocal and Adversial search 

  • Week 9 & 10

    Midterm Exam

    • Week 11

      Session IX: Unsupervised Machine Learning

      Aim of this session:

      - Discuss Unsupervised Learning

      - Implement SOTA Unsupervised algorithms 

    • Week 12

      Session X: Artificial Neural Network

      Aim of this lecture:

      –  Discussion on Neural Network
      –  Implementation of Neural Network on Datasets  

    • Week 13

      Session XI: Artificial Neural Network

      Aim of this lecture:

      –  Discussion on Neural Network
      –  Implementation of Neural Network on Datasets  

    • Week 14

      Session XII: Convolutional Neural Network

      Aim of this lecture:

      –  Discussion on Convolutional Neural Network
      –  Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks on Datasets  

    • Week 15

      Session XIII: Recurrent Neural Network

      Aim of this lecture:

      –  Discussion on Recurrent Neural Network
      –  Implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks on Datasets  

    • Week 16

      Project Presentation and Lab Report Submission

      • Week 17

        Lab Final