Course outcome:
1. Describe
the Physical, chemical and therapeutic incompatibility
2. Explain
the factors contributing to the occurrence of drug interactions
3. Describe
the importance, objectives and relevant aspects of preformulation
4 Explain
the factors affecting polymorphism, solubility, partition coefficient, flow
properties of raw materials
5. Explain physicochemical properties to develop formulation
and stability of pharmaceutical products
6. Describe
the principle, importance, limitations of solution
7. Explain
the factors affecting physical and chemical properties of solution
8. Identify the types and function of excipients used in
the manufacturing of solution
9. Discuss the formulation of solution using different
types of excipients
10. Explain
the factors affecting chemical properties like oxidation, hydrolysis,
racemization, decarboxylation, polymerization prior to formulation and
11. Illustrate the steps of manufacturing of various
types of pharmaceutical solutions
12. Discuss
the basic theory, importance and limitations of emulsion
13. Explain
the mechanism of emulsification
14. Identification
of different types of emulsion
15. Explain
the factors affecting manufacturing and stability of emulsion
16. Describe the lab scale and commercial scale manufacturing of various types of
emulsion17. Describe
the basic principle, classification, importance and limitations suspension
18. Explain
the mechanism of suspending agents
19. Explain
the factors affecting formulation, manufacturing and stability suspension
20. Explain the electrokinetic properties of suspension
21. Explain the mechanism of flocculated and deflocculated
22. Identify the function of excipients used in the
formulation of suspension
23. Discuss the steps of manufacturing of
suspension24. Describe
structure and function of different layers of skin for drug transport
25. Discuss the introduction, advantages, disadvantages of
26. Explain
the mechanism of drug permeation through
27. Discuss
the methods of maximizing the bioavailability of drugs applied to skin
28. Explain
the formulation and factors affecting manufacturing transdermal drug delivery
29. Formulate the transdermal drug delivery system
using suitable excipients
30. Describe
absorption of drug through rectum and vagina
31. Discuss
the importance and limitations of suppository
32. Discuss
the suppository base require for the manufacturing of suppository
33. Explain the formulation and factors affecting
manufacturing of