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This course will cover the following contents:

Introduction to Android, Architecture of Android, Properties and Advantages of Android, Downloading and Installing Android Studio, Downloading Earlier SDK Versions, Different element of Android Development tool, Your First Android Application, App Basics, Creating an Android Project, Android user Interface, The view hierarchy, Previewing the layout, Getting references to widgets, Making Toasts, Running on the Emulator, Android Build Process, The Activity Lifecycle, Exploring the activity lifecycle by example, Setting Up a Second Activity, Declaring activities in the manifest, Simple android based mobile application Using Intent, Passing Data Between Activities Using intent extras, Android SDK Versions and Compatibility, Minimum SDK version, Target SDK version, Compile SDK version, Simple Mobile application (Quiz Application), UI Fragments and the Fragment Manager, Introducing Fragments, The fragment lifecycle, Fragment transactions,The FragmentManager and the fragment lifecycle, Simple application using Fragment (Kids educational Mobile Apps), Application Architecture with Fragments, Fragments and the Support Library, Mobile application with material design, Different types of layout design, Attributes of all the components of user interface, User defined material design application, Mobile application (Calculator/Convertor), Android application icon and themes, Android orientation, Difference between different layout, User permission in manifest, Android application for user permission such as making Phone call/sending sms/webview/Email etc., ListView, RecyclerView, Adapter, and ViewHolder, Implementing a ViewHolder and an Adapter, More on Layout Attributes, Screen pixel densities and dp and sp, Margins vs padding Android’s design guidelines, The Toolbar Using the AppCompat library, Defining a menu in XML, Navigation drawer, Android socket programming, HttpURLConnectionClass, REST API build up using PHP code, Json data parsing step by step, Build up an application for json data parsing, SQLite Databases, Simple application for data insert update delete, Firebase database for android, Android application using Firebase, Mobile application for Date Picker, Spinner, Sliding Tab etc., Importing Assets, Getting At Assets, Accessing Assets, More about Intents, Explicit intent, Implicit intent etc., Signed apk generate ,Testing, Application deployment in the play store or any other store.

Skill Level: Beginner
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