• 1. Course Introduction

    Welcome to the Programming and Problem-solving course!

    Instructions/Guideline for the course:

        • All the students registered for this course have to enrol in Moodle
        • Students can find all the course materials from Moodle.
        • One discussion or feedback forum is created under each of the lecture Students have to give their feedback on this forum and marks will be given for their feedback
        • Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on Moodle. So they have to keep themselves always active on Moodle.
        • All the quizzes and presentation will be held on the face to face class and maybe a few of the class will be held on online (Moodle) and it will be announced before the class
        • The question pattern and the syllabus for the quizzes, midterm and final exam is given hereunder each of the section (quizzes, midterm and final)

      • There are midterm and final exam preparation forum under these sections where students can discuss with each other about their midterm and final exam syllabus, any problem regarding the exam etc.

    Course Objectives:

    The course is designed to provide complete knowledge of C language. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following: 

    -Students will be able to develop logics which will help them to create programs, applications in C

    -a student will be able to code, compile and test C programs.

    -Be able to take up Systems programming or Advanced C programming course.

    -Although this course does not deal with Object-Oriented Programming methodology, this will help the student in building the necessary foundation for undertaking a course in C++ and OOP.

    -Also by learning the basic programming constructs, they can easily switch over to any other language in future

    Course Contents:

    C The Complete Reference 4th Ed Herbert Schildt (Book) 

    you can follow some Bengali books as well (eso C sikhi)

    Browse some websites:



    Chapter 1: Introduction to Principles of programming

    Chapter 2: Introduction to C Programming

    Chapter 3: Operators and Expressions

    Chapter 4: Data Types and Input/Output Operators

    Chapter 5: Control Statements and Decision Making

    Chapter 6: Arrays 

    chapter 7:  Strings

    Chapter 8: Functions

    chapter 9: Structures and Unions

    chapter 10: Pointers 

    Chapter 11: File Management

  • General

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Principles of programming

  • Introduction to C Programming

  • Operators and Expressions

  • Chapter 4: Data Types and Variables

  • Control Statements and Decision Making:

  • Array

  • Strings

  • Function in C Programming

  • Section 10