• 9. Function in C Programming

    Objectives of this Chapter:

    To teach about what is a function, why do we need it, how to declare and use a function in C Programming Language

    Chapter Outcomes:

    After completing this chapter students should able to

    • handle pass by value
    • call subfunction into the main function
    • create a project with function
    • types of functions
    • play with all string and array with functions

    chapter contents: 

    • Function Philosophy
    • Function Basics
    • Function Prototypes and Passing Parameters: Passing Parameter by value and Passing Parameter by reference
    •  passing a string to a function
    • Passing an array to a function, Structures and Functions Recursion

  • General

  • Course Introduction

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Principles of programming

  • Introduction to C Programming

  • Operators and Expressions

  • Chapter 4: Data Types and Variables

  • Control Statements and Decision Making:

  • Array

  • Strings

  • Section 10