• Art of Living - Introduction


    Welcome to the Course Art of Living: For Exploring the Beautiful World

    It has been perceived from the different evaluations that intellectual ability needs to be exercised in an effective way through scheduled practice and performance.

    Success comes not just from the knowledge and skills but also from behavior which can create distance between success and failure. And we can achieve expected behavior only by learning and unlearning ways of thinking that finally craft body language and ensure effective living in this beautiful world.

    Objective of the course

    The Objectives of this course are –

    • Self Confidence: All learners will have a strong belief that we all are inborn genius and that any dream is possible to achieve to create a difference.
    • Boldness: They will become strong with critical thinking & creativity to accept the unacceptable in the face of unavoidable challenges in daily life.
    • Equity with Empathy: They will have fundamental human & life skills including conscious self-awareness to learn and find how to do things in an empathetic and equitable way - a way that pleases the Creator.
    • Questioning: They will not hesitate to ask any question to unleash inner genius and the genius of local & global collectives, towards building a Just Daffodil, Bangladesh, and World.
    • Values: Learners will set, feel, and realize core human values and act with or reflect those in their daily life.
    • Learning to learn: They will learn how to learn & will be able to criticize themselves.
    • Peace & Mutual Happiness: All learners will achieve Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to create harmonious relationships with parents, family, friends & community in order to experience a good, peaceful, and mutually happy life.

    Final Outcome

    At the end of the semester SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To) – 

    • SWBAT know the necessity of Questioning, How to question, core values, and theories on goal setting for life. 
    • SWBAT create empathy, broaden the conception of people, moral concern, a sense of honor and decency, and strengthen responses to unjust conditions. 
    • SWBAT make humanitarian qualities as the basic tools for enjoying the journey from “I” to “We” to promote effective living in this precious world. 
    • SWBAT achieve competency to cope with rapidly changing world considering university as a place and platform to create knowledge and skills for their meaningful survival. 
    • SWBAT set her/his own goal for life with core values and can break down big goals into short term attainable goals. 
    • SWBAT evaluate situations & problems and can act like a resilient with empathetic and equitable way

  • Objectives:
    • To keep fit for achieving local and global success in career as an entrepreneur or a job seeker.
    • To fix up the pathway of career development and planning as required.
    • To prepare self with all legal and business documents for becoming an entrepreneur as per requirement. 
    • To utilize ICT for searching job, working environment enhancement and business promotion.

    Content to be covered: 
    Self evaluation for career plan, local and global Job search sites, social media and networks, personal website etc.

    Overview and Rational:
    It is really crucial to understand whether you are trying for becoming a entrepreneur or just looking for a job! It is a typical mindset we are bearing in Bangladesh for so called risk free career with a job. Sometimes people even are reluctant to go for challenging job!
    We at DIU will be trying to change the mindset where young people will be creating job opportunity for others by establishing them as successful entrepreneurs. 
    The Internet has dramatically changed the way people conduct a job search. Because of effective innovations such as social networking sites and job search engines that scour the Internet, hammering the roadway is a thing of the past. Information and technology revolution can be utilized for searching a good job and a good market too. Anyone can be benefited simultaneously for becoming a successful entrepreneur. 
    In a tight job market with fierce competition for open positions, workers need to be proactive in their employment search. From the outset they need to know what kind of job they're looking for and ideally what companies they want to target.
    If you're addicted by Face book and have no clue what Twitter is, you could be missing vital tools in your quest for employment.
    With this background this chapter will orient student primarily how to deal with local then global job search sites like: JobsBD, Prothom Alo Jobs, BDJobShop, Jobstreet.com, Bdjobs etc from local and Career Builder, Coolworks, Linkedin, Linkup, us.jobs, Indeed from international. 
    Number of effective business plan and history of successful personnel will be discussed in this chapter for changing typical mind set regarding career.

PRESENTATIONChapter 18 - Universal Human Values