Weekly outline

  • Welcome to Operating Systems, the heart of computer! This system runs the computer literally.

    • Section A Live Class Link URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section A
    • B Section Live Class Link URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section B
  • Week 1

    week 1

    Introduction to Operating System

    Topic of Discussion

      • Introduction with the students
      • Introduction to Operating systems
      • Review the basic organization of computer systems.
      • Operating systems Structure and functions
      • Computing Environments

    Expected Learning Outcome                            

      • Learn about the major components and functions of operating systems
      • Learn about many types of computing environments
      • Explore several open-source operating systems

    File: 1Lesson: 1Forum: 1Interactive Content: 1
  • Week 2

    week 2

    OS Services and Structures

    Topic of Discussion

      • Operating System Services
      • System Calls
      • Operating System Design and Implementation
      • Operating System Structure

     Expected Outcome

      • Learn about the services an operating system provides to users, processes, and other systems
      • Differentiate between user level and system level functions of OS
      • Explain the various ways of structuring an operating system

    Files: 2Quiz: 1Interactive Content: 1
  • Week 3

    week 3

    Processes and Threads

    Topic of Discussion

      • Review class
      • Class Test-1
      • Process Concept
      • Process Scheduling
      • Operations on Processes

    Expected Outcome

      • Understand processes, various features of processes.
      • Understanding process scheduling, context switching, process creation and termination.

    Files: 2Quiz: 1Interactive Content: 2
  • Week 4 and 5

    week 4

    week 5

    CPU Scheduling

    Topic of Discussion

      • Scheduling algorithm (FCFS, SJF, Priority and Round Robin)
      • Advantages, Disadvantages and application of scheduling algorithm
      • Exercise
      • Class Test-2

    Expected Outcome

      • Explain different process scheduling algorithms and their pros and cons.
      • Evaluate the performance of various scheduling algorithms

    Files: 2Assignment: 1
  • Week 6

    week 6

    Review Week

    Assignments: 2
  • Instructions for Mid-term Exam

    week 7

    mid guide

    Mid-term exam Syllabus:

    Core Chapters:

    Chapter Name: Processes

    Key points:

    Idea of Process, major parts and states of process, transition of states, context switching, operation (process create, delete), schedulers (All types) 

    Chapter Name: CPU Scheduling

    Key points:

    Name of Algorithms:


    SJF [ Preemptive, Nonpreemptive ], 

    Priority [Preemptive, Nonpreemptive ])


    Main concept of each algorithm, Gantt Chart, Waiting Time, Response time, Pros and cons

    Other Chapters:

    Introduction to OS 

    OS Services and Structures

    Key points: All basic concept


    Mid-term Exam Assessment Criteria:
    Assessment will be done in two parts:
    Part 1: Theoretical Concept
    Part 2: Algorithm

    Marks Distribution:

    Mid-term exam will be on 25 marks. It will be equally distributed in two parts of assessment.

    All the questions should be answered.

    How to Complete Exam Process from Student Side: Watch the Video!!

    File: 1Assignment: 1URL: 1
  • week 8

    Topic of Discussion

      • System Model
      • Deadlock Characterization
      • Methods for Handling Deadlocks
      • Deadlock Prevention
      • Deadlock Avoidance
      • Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm (Bankers Algorithm)
      • Exercise

    Expected Outcome

      • Identify deadlock situation by checking conditions
      • Select a deadlock handling method from a number of different methods for a specific scenario.
      • Identify safe state and apply Deadlock avoidance algorithm for sample data set.

    Files: 3Interactive Content: 1
  • Week 9

    Memory Management

    Topic of Discussion

    Expected Outcome

      • Identify various ways of organizing memory hardware
      • Explain memory-management techniques, including paging and segmentation

    File: 1
  • Week 10

    Files: 2Forum: 1Quiz: 1
  • Week 12

    week 12

    Review Class

    Topic of Discussion

    Expected Outcome

      • Explain the concepts of demand paging, page-replacement algorithms, and allocation of page frames
      • Examine the relationship between shared memory and memory-mapped files
      • Explore how kernel memory is managed
      • Describe the physical structure of secondary storage devices and its effects on the uses of the devices
      • Identify Deadlock
      • Apply Banker's Algorithm
      • Explain Disk Scheduling

    Quiz: 1
  • Week 13

    week 13

    Instructions for Assessment:



    Memory Management

    Virtual Memory

     Mass Storage System

    Date and Time:

    Date:15/4/2021, Time: 11AM, Duration: 5 Hours

    Chapter-wise Algorithms: 

    Chapter-Deadlock: Banker's Algorithm, Resource Request Algorithm 

    Chapter-Memory Management: Memory Allocation Algorithm ( First Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit )

    Chapter-Virtual Memory: Page Replacement Algorithm ( FIFO, Optimal, LRU )

    Chapter- Mass Storage System (Disk Scheduling Alogorithms)

    Chapter-wise Concepts: 

    Chapter-Deadlock Identification, Conditions for Deadlock, Methods of handling deadlock

    Chapter-Memory Management:Logical to Physical Address Conversion (Techniques, Reason, Use), Address Binding, Segmentation

    Chapter-Virtual Memory: Basic Concept of Paging

    All the Best!

    Assignment: 1