Linux Tools

Opened: Wednesday, 23 August 2023, 1:45 PM
Due: Wednesday, 23 August 2023, 2:35 PM

1.   What is shell?

2.   What is terminal?

3.   What is user friendly in between terminal and GUI & why?

4.   What defines a user account?

5.   What is root user?

6.   What is general purpose user?

7.   What are the difference between root user and general purpose user?

8.   What is the meaning of sudo?

9.   What is the meaning of su?

10.              Why we use sudo?

11.              Why we use su?

12.              How to create a user account?

13.              How to delete a user?

14.              How to login into a user account?

15.              How to logout from a user account?

16.              How many times it requires password for creating a user account?

17.              How to exit from root?

18.              What is the meaning of sudo adduser {username}?

19.              What is the meaning of deluser {username}?

20.              What is the meaning of sudo su?