Assignment - 2

Opened: Tuesday, 20 October 2020, 12:00 AM
Due: Tuesday, 27 October 2020, 11:59 PM
View Make a submission

Suppose, you are developing an android application which will contain the following features:

  • Your app will contain two activities.
  • The First Activity will contain only 1 button named "LOGIN".
  • If the "LOGIN" button is clicked, you will go to the Second Activity and it will also pass your name to the Second Activity.
  • In the Second Activity, you will have one "Text View" which will show the name which will be received from the First Activity.
  • The Second Activity will also contain a button named "SHOW ID". If the button is clicked, a toast message will appear as "Your id is 181-15-12345". (Use your own id instead of 181-15-12345).
  • All the view components should be center-aligned in the Linear Layout.

N.B.: You need to submit the google drive link of your submission which will contain only the ".xml" and ".java" files of your project.