Assignment 02

Use a dynamic approach to solve the following problems:

1Make a class named Animal. In that class, animals should have a name, kingdom, height, and a method called to make two or three objects of this animal class into your main class.
2Now your job is to make name, kingdom, and height these three variables private. And try to access those variables from the main class by the getter and setter method.
3Imagine You are a Car designer. A Car has some basic properties such as brand, color, model, num of seats, horsepower, and price.
So your task is to make an array of 3 Cars and display their information from a method called displayInformation.
4Make a class called Calculator. On Calculator class initial 2 value through Constructor. And make four methods called ' jogKori ' , 'biyogKori', 'gunKori', 'vagKori' which will perform plus, subtract, multiple, and divide operation.
Now your task is to create an object of Calculator class, call that method, and print
those methods result from the Main class.

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