Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

Number of replies: 43

Discuss a real life scenario you faced using Conventional File Processing System and write the advantage and disadvantages basis on your problem.

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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by khadiza Akter -
Advantage of File-oriented system:
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this is also possible to develop specific application program for this purpose.
2. Compactness:
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
6. Sharing:
Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same time.
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Disadvantage of File-oriented system:
1. Data Redundancy:
It is possible that the same information may be duplicated in different files.this leads to data redundancy results in memory wastage.
2. Data Inconsistency:
Because of data redundancy,it is possible that data may not be in consistent state.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data:
Accessing data is not convenient and efficient in file processing system.
4. Limited Data Sharing:
Data are scattered in various files.also different files may have different formats and these files may be stored in different folders may be of different departments.
So, due to this data isolation, it is difficult to share data among different applications.
5. Integrity Problems:
Data integrity means that the data contained in the database in both correct and consistent.for this purpose the data stored in database must satisfy correct and constraints.
6. Atomicity Problems:
Any operation on database must be atomic.
this means, it must happen in its entirely or not at all.
7. Concurrent Access Anomalies:
Multiple users are allowed to access data simultaneously.this is for the sake of better performance and faster response.
8. Security Problems:
Database should be accessible to users in limited way.
Each user should be allowed to access data concerning his requirements only.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Sifat Ul Haque -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by shaddan hossen -

A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.

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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md.Muktar Ali -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md. Sabbir Hasan -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. It should be recorded in such a way that

1. Should be able to get the data any point in time latter
2. Should be able to add details to it whenever required
3. Should be able to modify stored information, as needed
4. Should also be able to delete them
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Marupa Akter -

Disadvantage of File-oriented system:
  • Data Redundancy: It is possible that the same information may be duplicated in different files. ...
  • Data Inconsistency
  • Difficulty in Accessing Data
  • Limited Data Sharing
  • Integrity Problems
  • Atomicity Problems
  • Concurrent Access Anomalies
  • Security Problems
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Mohammad Abdul Karim -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Fahim Yusuf -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Salma Akter -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. It should be recorded in such a way that

1. Should be able to get the data any point in time latter
2. Should be able to add details to it whenever required
3. Should be able to modify stored information, as needed
4. Should also be able to delete them

Advantage of File-oriented system:
1. Backup
2. Compactness
3. Data Retrieval
4. Editing
5. Remote Access
6. Sharing

Disadvantage of File-oriented system:
Data Redundancy: It is possible that the same information may be duplicated in different files.
Data Inconsistency
Difficulty in Accessing Data
Limited Data Sharing
Integrity Problems
Atomicity Problems
Concurrent Access Anomalies
Security Problems
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Mahmudur Rahman Rifat -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.

Advantage of file processing system:
3.Data Retrieval.
5.Remote Access.

Disadvantage of file processing system:
1. Data Redundancy
2. Data Inconsistency.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data.
4. Limited Data Sharing.
5. Integrity Problems.
6. Atomicity Problems.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by iftekhar jahan Soron -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. It should be recorded in such a way that

1. Should be able to get the data any point in time latter
2. Should be able to add details to it whenever required
3. Should be able to modify stored information, as needed
4. Should also be able to delete them
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Moklasur Rahman -
Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability.

Advantage of file processing system:
3.Data Retrieval.
5.Remote Access.

Disadvantage of file processing system:
1. Data Redundancy
2. Data Inconsistency.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data.
4. Limited Data Sharing.
5. Integrity Problems.
6. Atomicity Problems.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by S.M.Rashedul Islam Bhuiyan 183-15-2323 -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Nishat Sarker -
Advantage of File-oriented system:
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this purpose.
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so, to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
6. Sharing:
Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same time.

Disadvantage of File-oriented system:
1. Data Redundancy.
2. Data Inconsistency.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data.
4. Limited Data Sharing.
5. Integrity Problems.
6. Atomicity Problems.
7. Concurrent Access Anomalies.
8. Security Problems.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Zobayda Akter -
Advantage of File-oriented system:
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this is also possible to develop specific application program for this purpose.
2. Compactness:
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
6. Sharing:
Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same time.
Disadvantage of File-oriented system:
1. Data Redundancy:
It is possible that the same information may be duplicated in different files.this leads to data redundancy results in memory wastage.
2. Data Inconsistency:
Because of data redundancy,it is possible that data may not be in consistent state.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data:
Accessing data is not convenient and efficient in file processing system.
4. Limited Data Sharing:
Data are scattered in various files.also different files may have different formats and these files may be stored in different folders may be of different departments.
So, due to this data isolation, it is difficult to share data among different applications.
5. Integrity Problems:
Data integrity means that the data contained in the database in both correct and consistent.for this purpose the data stored in database must satisfy correct and constraints.
6. Atomicity Problems:
Any operation on database must be atomic.
this means, it must happen in its entirely or not at all.
7. Concurrent Access Anomalies:
Multiple users are allowed to access data simultaneously.this is for the sake of better performance and faster response.
8. Security Problems:
Database should be accessible to users in limited way.
Each user should be allowed to access data concerning his requirements only.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Rubayat Bari Anik -
Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability.

Advantage of file processing system:
3.Data Retrieval.
5.Remote Access.

Disadvantage of file processing system:
1. Data Redundancy
2. Data Inconsistency.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data.
4. Limited Data Sharing.
5. Integrity Problems.
6. Atomicity Problems.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by showvik Rudro -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. It should be recorded in such a way that

1. Should be able to get the data any point in time latter
2. Should be able to add details to it whenever required
3. Should be able to modify stored information, as needed
4. Should also be able to delete them
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md. Zahid Hasan -

In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. It should be recorded in such a way that

1. Should be able to get the data any point in time latter
2. Should be able to add details to it whenever required
3. Should be able to modify stored information, as needed
4. Should also be able to delete them

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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md. Tamjeed Monshi -

Advantage of File-oriented system:
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this purpose.
It is possible to store data compactly.
2. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
3. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
4. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so, to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
5. Sharing:
Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same time.

Disadvantage of File-oriented system:
1. Data Redundancy.
2. Data Inconsistency.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data.
4. Limited Data Sharing.
5. Integrity Problems.
6. Atomicity Problems.
7. Concurrent Access Anomalies.
8. Security Problems.

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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Reaz Uddin Rafi -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model
Advantage of File-oriented system:
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this is also possible to develop specific application program for this purpose.
2. Compactness:
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Obaidul Islam -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Al Jubaer Rahman -

A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.

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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Mohammad Jonayed -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. It should be recorded in such a way that

1. Should be able to get the data any point in time latter
2. Should be able to add details to it whenever required
3. Should be able to modify stored information, as needed
4. Should also be able to delete them
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Hridoy Chandra Karmakar -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Sanzida Tahsin -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md Maruf Ibna Nasim Nishan -
The file processing system is good when there is only a limited number of files and data in are very less. As the data and files in the system grow, handling them becomes difficult .In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Arafat Hosaain -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Ramim Hossain -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robus
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Himanish Debnath.[Himu] -


Possible to store data compactly, It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose, In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely. so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.


Multiple users are allowed to access data simultaneously.this is for the sake of better performance and faster response, Any operation on database must be atomic. this means, it must happen in its entirely or not at all, Accessing data is not convenient and efficient in file processing system.

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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md. Al Rahat Khan -
Advantage :
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this is also possible to develop specific application program for this purpose.
2. Compactness:
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
6. Sharing:
Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same time.

Disadvantage :
1. Data Redundancy:
It is possible that the same information may be duplicated in different files.this leads to data redundancy results in memory wastage.
2. Data Inconsistency:
Because of data redundancy,it is possible that data may not be in consistent state.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data:
Accessing data is not convenient and efficient in file processing system.
4. Limited Data Sharing:
Data are scattered in various files.also different files may have different formats and these files may be stored in different folders may be of different departments.
So, due to this data isolation, it is difficult to share data among different applications.
5. Integrity Problems:
Data integrity means that the data contained in the database in both correct and consistent.for this purpose the data stored in database must satisfy correct and constraints.
6. Atomicity Problems:
Any operation on database must be atomic.
this means, it must happen in its entirely or not at all.
7. Concurrent Access Anomalies:
Multiple users are allowed to access data simultaneously.this is for the sake of better performance and faster response.
8. Security Problems:
Database should be accessible to users in limited way.
Each user should be allowed to access data concerning his requirements only.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md.Muktar Ali -

Possible to store data compactly, It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose, In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely. so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.


Multiple users are allowed to access data simultaneously.this is for the sake of better performance and faster response, Any operation on database must be atomic. this means, it must happen in its entirely or not at all, Accessing data is not convenient and efficient in file processing system.

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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Umme Honey -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. It should be recorded in such a way that

1. Should be able to get the data any point in time latter
2. Should be able to add details to it whenever required
3. Should be able to modify stored information, as needed
4. Should also be able to delete them
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md. Khobayer Khan -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.

Advantage of file processing system:

3.Data Retrieval.
5.Remote Access.

Disadvantage of file processing system:

1. Data Redundancy
2. Data Inconsistency.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data.
4. Limited Data Sharing.
5. Integrity Problems.
6. Atomically Problems.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Arafat Hosaain -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Tariqul Islam -
Advantage of file processing system:
3.Data Retrieval.
5.Remote Access.

Disadvantage of file processing system:
1. Data Redundancy
2. Data Inconsistency.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data.
4. Limited Data Sharing.
5. Integrity Problems.
6. Atomicity Problems.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Sabith Hossain -
Picture of PC-A
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.

Advantage of file processing system:
3.Data Retrieval.
5.Remote Access.

Disadvantage of file processing system:
1. Data Redundancy
2. Data Inconsistency.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data.
4. Limited Data Sharing.
5. Integrity Problems.
6. Atomicity Problems.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Shakhawat Hossain 183-15-2335 -
In daily life, we come across various needs to store data. It can be maintaining daily household bills, bank account details, salary details, payment details, student information, student reports, books in the library, etc. It should be recorded in such a way that

1. Should be able to get the data any point in time latter
2. Should be able to add details to it whenever required
3. Should be able to modify stored information, as needed
4. Should also be able to delete them
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Miah Mohammad Tamjid -
A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model
Advantage of File-oriented system:
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this is also possible to develop specific application program for this purpose.
2. Compactness:
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems, it is possible to access data remotely.
so, to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md. Zayed Hassan Bhuiyan -

Advantage :
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this is also possible to develop specific application program for this purpose.
2. Compactness:
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
6. Sharing:
Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same time.

Disadvantage :
1. Data Redundancy:
It is possible that the same information may be duplicated in different files.this leads to data redundancy results in memory wastage.
2. Data Inconsistency:
Because of data redundancy,it is possible that data may not be in consistent state.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data:
Accessing data is not convenient and efficient in file processing system.
4. Limited Data Sharing:
Data are scattered in various files.also different files may have different formats and these files may be stored in different folders may be of different departments.
So, due to this data isolation, it is difficult to share data among different applications.
5. Integrity Problems:
Data integrity means that the data contained in the database in both correct and consistent.for this purpose the data stored in database must satisfy correct and constraints.
6. Atomicity Problems:
Any operation on database must be atomic.
this means, it must happen in its entirely or not at all.
7. Concurrent Access Anomalies:
Multiple users are allowed to access data simultaneously.this is for the sake of better performance and faster response.
8. Security Problems:
Database should be accessible to users in limited way.
Each user should be allowed to access data concerning his requirements only.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md Jahidul Islam Ridoy -
Advantage of File-based system:
1. Backup: Backup:
It is possible to take quicker and more automated backup of databases contained in operating system archives.

Computer programs have features for this purpose. It is also possible to create a particular programming software for this purpose.

2. Compactness of the:

Data can be stored compactly.

3. File recovery:

Computer-based applications provide improved data storage methods to quickly and effectively access data contained in archives.

4. Editing the:

All information contained in computers in the form of files can be quickly edited.

For this function, special application programs or editing tools can be used.

5. Remote Access to:

Data can be viewed remotely in computer-based applications.

In order to view the data, it is not mandatory for the user to be present at the location where the data is stored.

6. Sharing the:

Data contained in computer device files can be exchanged between several users at the same time.

Disadvantage in File-based system:
1. File Redundance:
It is likely that the same information will be duplicated in different archives. This leads to data fragmentation resulting in memory wastage.

2. Inconsistency of data:

Owing to data redundancy, data may not be in a stable state.

3. Difficulty of Data Access:

In the file processing system, accessing data is not easy and efficient.

4. Limited Exchange of Data:

Data is distributed in various directories. Also, these files can have different formats and these files may be stored in different directories in different departments.

As a result of this data separation, it is impossible to exchange data between different programs.

5. Problems of integrity:

Integrity of data ensures that the data found in the database is both accurate and consistent. For this reason, the data stored in the database must follow the correct and constraining criteria.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Shakhawat Hossain 183-15-2335 -

A small business company like local shops can use Conventional File Processing System where they are not using any database to store client information. Benefits or advantages of using this is that they don't need to invest in a DBMS Software for their shops and if they are able to handle their clients with that traditional method there is no need for them to change it to a DBMS model. Disadvantages of Conventional File Processing Systems include problems like duplication of data, the inconsistency of data, less opportunity to maintain/update data accordingly, less or zero maintenance ability. If we can implement a DBMS Software in our respective works, it is wiser to settle for one rather than using the Conventional File Processing System because it makes our data more secure and robust.

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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Anik Das -
Advantage :
1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this is also possible to develop specific application program for this purpose.
2. Compactness:
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
6. Sharing:
Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same time.

Disadvantage :
1. Data Redundancy:
It is possible that the same information may be duplicated in different files.this leads to data redundancy results in memory wastage.
2. Data Inconsistency:
Because of data redundancy,it is possible that data may not be in consistent state.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data:
Accessing data is not convenient and efficient in file processing system.
4. Limited Data Sharing:
Data are scattered in various files.also different files may have different formats and these files may be stored in different folders may be of different departments.
So, due to this data isolation, it is difficult to share data among different applications.
5. Integrity Problems:
Data integrity means that the data contained in the database in both correct and consistent.for this purpose the data stored in database must satisfy correct and constraints.
6. Atomicity Problems:
Any operation on database must be atomic.
this means, it must happen in its entirely or not at all.
7. Concurrent Access Anomalies:
Multiple users are allowed to access data simultaneously.this is for the sake of better performance and faster response.
8. Security Problems:
Database should be accessible to users in limited way.
Each user should be allowed to access data concerning his requirements only.
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Re: Forum Discussion about pros and cons of Conventional File Processing System

by Md.Muktar Ali -

1. Backup:
It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based systems.
computer systems provide functionalities to serve this is also possible to develop specific application program for this purpose.
2. Compactness:
It is possible to store data compactly.
3. Data Retrieval:
Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in files in easy and efficient way.
4. Editing:
It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.
Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.
5. Remote Access:
In computer-based systems,it is possible to access data remotely.
so,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are kept.
6. Sharing:
Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same time.

Disadvantage :
1. Data Redundancy:
It is possible that the same information may be duplicated in different files.this leads to data redundancy results in memory wastage.
2. Data Inconsistency:
Because of data redundancy,it is possible that data may not be in consistent state.
3. Difficulty in Accessing Data:
Accessing data is not convenient and efficient in file processing system.
4. Limited Data Sharing:
Data are scattered in various files.also different files may have different formats and these files may be stored in different folders may be of different departments.
So, due to this data isolation, it is difficult to share data among different applications.
5. Integrity Problems:
Data integrity means that the data contained in the database in both correct and consistent.for this purpose the data stored in database must satisfy correct and constraints.
6. Atomicity Problems:
Any operation on database must be atomic.
this means, it must happen in its entirely or not at all.
7. Concurrent Access Anomalies:
Multiple users are allowed to access data simultaneously.this is for the sake of better performance and faster response.
8. Security Problems:
Database should be accessible to users in limited way.
Each user should be allowed to access data concerning his requirements only.
