Week 4 Discussion Forum

Divide & Conquer: A Time Savior Strategy

Divide & Conquer: A Time Savior Strategy

by Sadnam Saniat 192-15-2794 -
Number of replies: 0

Divide and conquer is an algorithm strategy. In divide and conquer algorithm strategy, we have to divide problems into smaller problems where subproblems must be of same type and must not overlap. These subproblems have to solve recursively and must combine solutions to solve original problems. It usually contains two or more recursive calls. Binary Search, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Counting Inversion are the examples of divide and conquer algorithm strategies.

In divide and conquer strategy, it breaks n size of problem into n/2 and solve these two parts recursively and at last combine two solutions into overall solution in linear time. Complexity of divide and conquer strategy is nlogn.

111 words