Group Discussion Board

ADR in the Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003

ADR in the Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003

by Mohsina Anonna 181-26-180 -
Number of replies: 0

             Under sections 21 and 22 of the Artha Rin Adalat Ain 2003, twomodes of the ADR, settlement conference and arbitration, have beenintroduced in the commercial dispute. Section 21 defines theSettlement Conference as a conference comprising the parties,

 their lawyers and their representatives and presided over by the judge of theArtha Rin Adalat for disposing of the suit in an informal, non-binding,confidential and non-adversarial manner on the basis of mutualcooperation and understanding of all concerned.”45 Section 21 dealswith the details procedure of the Settlement Conference and 

section 22 provides for the arbitration of the commercial dispute. After the filing of written statement the court may, keeping pending all subsequen proceeding refer the suit to the lawyers of the parties or where no lawyers have been engaged, to the parties themselves. 

But where the parties agree to try and settle the dispute through arbitration, the court is bound to refer the dispute for arbitration. 

Inserting the ADR system

in commercial dispute certainly improves the investment in this field.