Discussion Forum

Discussion Foram-6

Discussion Foram-6

by Mabia Khatun -
Number of replies: 0

Health System of Bangladesh"

Bangladesh has a pluralistic healthcare system, which is highly unregulated and consists mainly of four key actors: government, for-profit private sector, not-for-profit private sector (mainly the nongovernmental organizations ), and the international development organization. Health levels remain relatively low in Bangladesh, although they have improved recently as poverty levels have decreased. Hence, the OOP expenditures for health care services have been sufficiently costly in Bangladesh. The OOP healthcare expenditure sufficiently expensive below the poverty line. The health care service delivery in Bangladesh starts from the Community Clinics (CC) in villages, Union Health and Family Welfare Centers (UHFWC) at unions (collection of villages), Upazila Health Complexes (UHC) at the sub-district level, and backed by District Hospital (DH). Recently in order to improve the pandemic situation of COVID-19 the government of Bangladesh has initiated a mass free vaccination program for the well-being of people, which is really appreciable to our government.