
Understand the basics of two derivative securities, options and futures, and how they fit into the investor’s choice set.

Understand the basics of two derivative securities, options and futures, and how they fit into the investor’s choice set.

by esmot ara -
Number of replies: 1

Options and futures are both financial products investors can use to make money or to hedge current investments. Both an option and a future allow an investor to buy an investment at a specific price by a specific date. But the markets for these two products are very different in how they work and how risky they are to the investor.

Options are a derivative form of investment. They may be offers to buy or to sell shares but don't represent actual ownership of the underlying investments until the agreement is finalized.

Buyers typically pay a premium for options contracts, which reflect 100 shares of the underlying asset. Premiums generally represent the asset's strike price the rate to buy or sell it until the contract's expiration date. This date indicates the day by which the contract must be used.

A futures contract is the obligation to sell or buy an asset at a later date at an agreed-upon price. Futures contracts are a true hedge investment and are most understandable when considered in terms of commodities like corn or oil. For instance, a farmer may want to lock in an acceptable price upfront in case market prices fall before the crop can be delivered. The buyer also wants to lock in a price upfront, too, if prices soar by the time the crop is delivered.

For example:Assume two traders agree to a $50 per bushel price on a corn futures contract. If the price of corn moves up to $55, the buyer of the contract makes $5 per barrel. The seller, on the other hand, loses out on a better deal.

In reply to esmot ara

Re: Understand the basics of two derivative securities, options and futures, and how they fit into the investor’s choice set.

by Nurul Mohammad Zayed -