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Health System of Bangladesh

Health System of Bangladesh

by Shilpi Mallick -
Number of replies: 0

Health care delivery is a daunting challenge area of the Bangladesh’s healthcare systems. An effectively performing health system is essential in improving the population’s health status, providing safeguard against health-related financial threat and enhancing the health sector’s responsiveness to customers needs. A health system consists of all organizations, people and actions, whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health. Therefore health systems strengthening (HSS) is crucial for the successful scale up of disease control interventions. Bangladesh has made significant improvement in health sector, which make it an example for other developing countries even though being a resource poor country. Over the last decades key health indicators such as life expectancy and coverage of immunization have improved notably, whilst infant mortality, maternal mortality and fertility rates have dropped significantly. In Bangladesh, healthcare is offered either through government- run hospitals or through privately-run clinics. Bangladesh is still lagging in health care services for the poor as well as the affluent. In Bangladesh, healthcare is offered either through government- run hospitals or through privately-run clinics. Bangladesh is still lagging in health care services for the poor as well as the affluent. The most critical challenge faced by the health systems in Bangladesh is in the arena of human resources for health.