Forum discussion on Information Access Device

Answer the question

Answer the question

by Md Assaduzzaman -
Number of replies: 66

Which one is the advanced technology between GSM and CDMA, Why?

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Rana Ahmed -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to MD. AL- HABIB ISLAM

Re: Answer the question

by Moshiur Rahman -
GSM operators claim that it is superior, because it employs a SIM chip, it is the most widely used technology in the world, it is more secure, and it is more advanced. In some places, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Salma Akter 191-15-2387 -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Md. Abir Rahaman -
GSM operators claim that it is superior, because it employs a SIM chip, it is the most widely used technology in the world, it is more secure, and it is more advanced. In some places, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Rakibul Islam 191-15-2388 -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

CDMA is advanced technology than GSM. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Aunik Hasan Mridul -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Sayma Islam -
CDMA is superior to GSM. In some regions, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM. When compared to GSM, CDMA provides a quicker data transfer rate. It employs the EVDO data transmission technology, which allows for download rates of up to 2 Mbps, whereas GSM uses the EDGE technology, which allows for download speeds of up to 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Ritu Biswas -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Soriful Alam Shetu(191-15-2408) -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Inam Ullah Khan(191-15-2575) -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Aysha Akter Anjuman -
GSM operators claim that it is superior, because it employs a SIM chip, it is the most widely used technology in the world, it is more secure, and it is more advanced. In some places, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Saidul Alam 191-15-2703 -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Md Shazzad -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA does have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Iftekhairul Islam Sowrov 191-15-2504 -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Alimujjaman Bappy -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Azizur Rahman -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Shorove Tajmen -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access . I think CDMA is better-advanced technology than GSM. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Abdullah Al Mahmud 241-25-038 -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by md.ziad hosen -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Md Rifat Bhuiyan -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access . I think CDMA is better-advanced technology than GSM. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by shoriful islam shakil -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Chaity Mondol -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Humaira Yasmin Aliza -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Tanvir Hasan (191-15-2463) -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Alamin Dhaly -
CDMA is more advanced because-

* Call quality tends to be better than GSM
* Faster data transfer rate comparing to GSM
* Uses better data transfer technology
*Better download speed than GSM
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Md Limon Hossen -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA does have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Armin Jemi -
CDMA outperforms GSM in terms of speed. Because it has built-in encryption and employs the spread spectrum for data transfer, CDMA technology is more secure than GSM technology. Signal detection in CDMA is far more challenging than it is in GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by MD. Sazzad Hossain Bhuiyan Sakib -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Soriful Alam Shetu(191-15-2408) -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Shamim Raihan -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Sadikuzzaman Shawon -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Shakil Khan -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Shakil Khan -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Mehedi Firoz -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Ashrafur Rahman Bhuiyan Ashif -
GSM operators claim that it is superior, because it employs a SIM chip, it is the most widely used technology in the world, it is more secure, and it is more advanced. In some places, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Sanzida Mukti -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Kazi Aahala Nagary -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Ariful Islam -
GSM operators claim that it is superior, because it employs a SIM chip, it is the most widely used technology in the world, it is more secure, and it is more advanced. In some places, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Md. Mohaimanul Islam -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Naimur Rahman Noyon -
I think CDMA is better-advanced technology than GSM. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Raisul Islam Rafi Khan -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

I think CDMA is better-advanced technology than GSM. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by md nazrul Islam -
CDMA is more advanced because-

* Call quality tends to be better than GSM
* Faster data transfer rate comparing to GSM
* Uses better data transfer technology
*Better download speed than GSM
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Syed Mahiuddin -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Mustahsin Al Rafi -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Deepanita Baidya -
CDMA is more advanced because-

* Call quality tends to be better than GSM
* Faster data transfer rate compared to GSM
* Uses better data transfer technology
*Better download speed than GSM
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Ananda Sutradhar -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Jannatul Ferdous -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Md. Murad Hossin -
GSM operators claim that it is superior, because it employs a SIM chip, it is the most widely used technology in the world, it is more secure, and it is more advanced. In some places, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Kayes Uddin Fahim -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by MD Mizanur Rahman Rid -
CDMA is better than GSM.
1.Uses advanced data transfer technology
2.Better call quality
3.Faster data transfer than GSM
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Sumaiya Mustari Mim -
I think CDMA is better-advanced technology than GSM. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Esrat Jahan -

GSM operators claim that it is superior, because it employs a SIM chip, it is the most widely used technology in the world, it is more secure, and it is more advanced. In some places, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Ayesha Siddiqua Asha -
GSM operators claim that it is superior, because it employs a SIM chip, it is the most widely used technology in the world, it is more secure, and it is more advanced. In some places, GSM users may have higher sound quality than CDMA users and vice versa. However, not all CDMA phones can simultaneously transmit voice and data. Aside from network congestion, CDMA call quality is often superior to GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Easin Arafat -

CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Tamim Khan -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Saif Al Mahmud -


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Week-4: Toast, Intent and Calculator (Lab)
Week-5: OOP Concept & Scientific Calculator (Lab)
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Pervasive Computing, Pervasive Computing and Mobile App Development Lab
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
CSE Fall 2021
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Picture of Md Assaduzzaman
Answer the question
by Md Assaduzzaman - Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 11:48 AM
Number of replies: 58
Which one is the advanced technology between GSM and CDMA, Why?

Picture of Rana Ahmed
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman
Re: Answer the question
by Rana Ahmed - Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 2:01 PM
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Md.Jahidul Islam -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Shourav Molla -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by md.shahin alom -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Tuzammal Hossain Masum -
CDMA is better than GSM.GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by Merazul Islam Meraz -
CDMA is advanced technology than GSM. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.CDMA offers a faster data transfer rate as compared to GSM. It uses the EVDO data transfer technology that offers maximum download speeds of 2 Mbps while the EDGE technology the GSM uses offers maximum download speeds of 384 kbps.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question

by MD. Harun-Or-Rashid -
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication, while CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access GSM uses FDMA (Frequency division multiple access) and TDMA (Time division multiple access). GSM supports transmitting data and voice both at once, but CDMA have not this feature.

The main distinction between GSM and CDMA is that in GSM, the customer information is put on a SIM card which can be moved to a new mobile phone. Whereas only mobile phones from a set of whitelisted companies can be used with a CDMA network. The call quality of both nationwide networks heavily depends on the network coverage. GSM users can experience better voice quality than CDMA users or vice versa in particular areas. Furthermore, the GSM network can transmit voice and data simultaneously. On the other hand, not all CDMA phones can transmit voice and data at the same time. In addition to the network congestion, CDMA call quality tends to be better than GSM.

At one corner, GSM operators say it is better “because it uses a SIM chip, it is the most used technology worldwide, it is more secure and it is more advanced”.