Discussion Week 1

Episode 01

Episode 01

by Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid -
Number of replies: 3

What do you understand by algorithm? Is tea making is an algorithm is yes explain how?

In reply to Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid

Re: Episode 01

by akibul hasan -
Yes. If i want to make a cup of tea, I have to follow some rules step by step. An algorithm is a set of instructions for solving problems.

If I want to make tea first of all I need to Boil some water. Then, warm up teapot. Need to put tea into teapot and add hot water.
Cover teapot and steep tea. ...
Strain tea solids and pour hot tea into tea cups.
So, It's all about Algorithm.
In reply to Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid

Re: Episode 01

by Alimozzaman Durjoy -
algorithm is a set of instructions for solving a problem or accomplishing a task. So tea making is an algorithm too.
If i want to make tea i have to follow step by step process . First i need to boil water ,add some tea , after that need to add sugar and milk .
By this we are following step by step process for making tea . So ,this is a part of algorithm.
In reply to Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid

Re: Episode 01

by Rakin Charu -
As we can see, there are some steps that must be followed. These steps are in a specific order, even though some of the steps could be rearranged.
but we need to keep in mind that the order of some steps can probably be changed but you cant move them far away from where they should be. For example, you cant make the tea without boiling the water, as a result we will end up drinking a cup of iced water which is totally different from your initial goal.
So, making a cup of tea is a part of alogorithm because algorithm is a set of instructions for solving problems.