Understanding Of Class 1



by Sadia Rashid Khan -
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Components of GIS

GIS integrates five major components;






1. Hardware Components

Hardware is a computer within which the GIS data and computer software applications are stored and accessed. There are different types of hardware available nowadays which are server-based or desktop. The components of hardware are:

Motherboard: It is the board where major hardware parts are installed.

Hard Drive: Also called hard disk,  place to store data.

Processor: It is called a Central Processing Unit (CPU), and performs calculations.

RAM: Random Access Memory (RAM) where all running programs load temporarily.

Printer: It is an output device used to print images, maps, or documents.

External Disk: These are portable storage spaces such as USB drives, DVDs, CDs, or external disk.

Monitor: It is a screen for displaying output information.

2. Software Components

It provides tools to run, edit and display spatial information.  Key GIS software applications include the DBMS(Database Management System, GIS tools for the input and manipulation of geographic information, and a graphical user interface (GUI) or dashboard, query tools, and layout.

Some of the software used in GIS are:

Commercial– ArcView, ArcGIS/ArcInfo, GRASS, MapInfo, IDRIS, etc.

Open Source– ILWIS, MapWindow, QGIS, Saga GIS, etc.

3. Data

It is the most important component of GIS, also known as the heart of GIS. There are two basic data types:

Spatial data: Spatial data can be either collected or purchased from the commercial data provider. It refers to real-world geographic objects such as streets, buildings, forests, river, and their respective locations. These can be represented in the form of vector data (points, lines, and polygon features) or raster also known as image data (grid form)

Attributes (tabular) data. . Attribute data describes the characteristics of spatial features data such as a name, area, perimeter, depth, or population.

By integrating spatial data with related attribute data we analyze, solve and visualize the related data.

4. People

People are the most fundamental component of GIS, without whom GIS will be of limited value, as people are involved in all phases from the development of GIS to collecting, uploading, manipulating, and analyzing data. GIS users can operate in groups or individually. Individuals may be GIS managers, analysts, technicians, or users. All should have the basic knowledge to work with geographic data.

5. Method

GIS operates with a well-designed plan, business operational rules, and methods, which are models and operating practices. The methods may vary with different organizations. These methods answer the question to be resolved. Include how data will be entered, stored, managed, retrieved, transformed, analyzed, and presented in the form of output.