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What is consideration in business law?

What is consideration in business law?

by Sakib Hasan Mahim -
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In business law, consideration is a fundamental concept in the formation of a legally binding contract. Consideration represents something of value that is exchanged between parties to a contract. It is a key element in contract law and signifies that each party is giving up something in return for what they are receiving. Consideration is an essential element because it distinguishes a contract from a mere promise or agreement that may not be legally enforceable.

Key characteristics of consideration in business law include:

  1. Exchange of Value: Consideration is often described as something of value that is exchanged between the parties. It could be money, goods, services, a promise to do something, or a promise to refrain from doing something.

  2. Bargained-for Exchange: Consideration must be the result of a genuine and mutual bargain or exchange. This means that both parties must willingly enter into the contract and must give something up as part of the agreement.

  3. Legal Sufficiency: Consideration must have legal sufficiency. This means that the consideration must not be illegal, fraudulent, or against public policy. For example, a contract to engage in illegal activities is not valid because it lacks legal sufficiency.

  4. Past Consideration: In general, past consideration, meaning something that has already been performed or given before the contract is formed, is not considered valid consideration. Consideration should typically be present or future, not something that occurred in the past.

Examples of consideration in business contracts include:

  • Payment of money in exchange for goods or services.
  • A promise to perform specific services in return for payment.
  • Transferring ownership of property or assets.
  • A promise to refrain from engaging in a certain activity or competition.
  • A promise to perform or refrain from a specific action in the future.

Consideration is crucial in establishing that both parties have made a mutual commitment to a contract and that they have "skin in the game." Without consideration, an agreement may be considered a mere promise or a gift and may not be legally enforceable as a contract. However, if consideration is present, the contract is generally considered valid, and the parties are obligated to fulfill their respective promises.