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Termination of a contract

Termination of a contract

by Joy chowdhury -
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Termination of a contract refers to the process by which a legally binding agreement comes to an end. Contracts can be terminated for various reasons, including the fulfillment of the contract's terms, mutual agreement of the parties, a breach of contract, or the occurrence of specific events outlined in the contract. Termination by fulfillment means that once the parties have completed all their obligations, the contract naturally ends. Alternatively, if both parties agree to end the contract before all obligations are met, it is termed termination by mutual agreement. A breach of contract can also lead to termination, where one party fails to fulfill its obligations, providing the other party with grounds to terminate the contract. Moreover, certain events, such as force majeure or impossibility of performance, may trigger automatic termination. When a contract is terminated, the parties are typically released from their contractual obligations, although any accrued rights or liabilities may still need to be addressed.