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Basic anatomy

Basic anatomy

by Nilanjona 213-29-493 -
Number of replies: 0

Basic anatomy refers to the fundamental structure and organization of the human body. It includes:

  1. Skeletal System: Bones and joints providing support and protection.
  2. Muscular System: Muscles enabling movement.
  3. Nervous System: Brain, spinal cord, and nerves controlling body functions.
  4. Circulatory System: Heart and blood vessels transporting blood.
  5. Respiratory System: Lungs and airways facilitating breathing.
  6. Digestive System: Organs processing food and absorbing nutrients.
  7. Excretory System: Kidneys and urinary system removing waste.
  8. Endocrine System: Glands producing hormones regulating body functions.
  9. Reproductive System: Organs enabling reproduction.
  10. Integumentary System: Skin, hair, and nails protecting the body.