Scanning is a technique where you look for specific information in a text without reading the entire content. It’s about locating particular words, phrases, dates, or data quickly.
Example 1: If you're searching for a phone number in a long contact list, you scan through the list until you find the number you need.
Example 2: When looking through a textbook for the definition of a term, you scan the pages to find the specific word you’re looking for.
Skimming involves reading through a text rapidly to get a general idea of its content without focusing on every word. It’s like getting a quick overview.
Example 1: When you're flipping through a magazine, you might skim through articles, reading the first few lines and looking at images to see what interests you.
Example 2: While browsing through a travel guide, you might skim sections to quickly get an idea of top attractions in a city without diving into detailed descriptions.