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scanning & skimming

scanning & skimming

by Arfan Sarkar Pappo -
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Definition: Scanning is a reading technique used to quickly find specific information within a text. It involves looking for particular keywords or phrases rather than reading the entire text.

Example 1: Curriculum Vitae (CV) Review
When an employer reviews a stack of CVs for job applicants, they might scan each one looking for specific qualifications or experiences. For instance, if they want candidates with "project management" experience, they would quickly scan the CVs for that phrase in the experience section, ignoring all other details.

Example 2: Finding a Location on a Map
If you have a map and are looking for a specific location, such as a restaurant or a landmark, you would scan the map quickly. Your eyes would move along the streets and labels to find the name or symbol that represents the place you are searching for, bypassing all other text and details.


Definition: Skimming is a technique used to get the general idea or overview of a text without reading it in full detail. This involves reading the main headings, subheadings, and the first and last sentences of paragraphs.

Example 1: Article Preview
If you come across a lengthy article online about health benefits, rather than reading it word for word, you would skim it by reading the title, the introduction, major headings, and key sentences. This would allow you to understand the main arguments or findings and decide whether it’s worth reading the entire piece.

Example 2: Textbook Review Before an Exam
Before an exam, a student may skim through their textbook chapters. They might focus on chapter summaries, headings, and the first line of each paragraph. By doing so, the student gets a quick overview of the topics covered, helping them to refresh their memory and focus on areas where they need further study.