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Scanning Examples

Scanning Examples

by sadman sakib shovon -
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Scanning Examples:

1. Looking for a specific word in a dictionary:

Suppose you're trying to find the definition of the word "serendipity." You quickly scan through the pages, focusing only on the first letter "S" and then moving your eyes to the words in alphabetical order until you find "serendipity."

2. Searching for a train departure time:

You're at the train station and need to find when the next train leaves for your destination. You scan through the timetable, ignoring all other destinations and times, just focusing on the column with the name of your destination.

Skimming Examples:

1. Skimming a newspaper:

You pick up a newspaper and quickly skim through the headlines and subheadings to get a sense of the day's top news. You're not reading the full articles, just getting an overview of the main topics.

2. Skimming a chapter in a textbook:

Before starting an in-depth study, you skim through a textbook chapter, glancing at the headings, bolded terms, and any summary at the end to get a quick idea of what the chapter covers without reading every word.