Scanning and skimming are two reading techniques used to quickly gather information from texts.
### Scanning
Scanning involves searching for specific information without reading the entire text. It's useful when you need to locate particular facts, dates, names, or keywords.
**Example:** If you're looking for a specific date in a history textbook, you might scan the table of contents or the index to find the relevant chapter, then quickly scan the pages for the date you need.
### Skimming
Skimming is the process of reading through a text quickly to get a general idea of its content. This technique is helpful for understanding the main themes or arguments without diving into details.
**Example:** When preparing for a meeting, you might skim a report by reading the headings, subheadings, and the first sentence of each
paragraph to grasp the main points without reading every detail.
Both techniques can save time and help focus your reading based on your needs!