General forums

Forum Description Discussions

Due to maintenance, 1st quiz will be held on 3.10.2021


Learning forums

Topic Forum Description Discussions
The Essential Elements of Contract What have you learnt from this video 0
Forum Discussion 0
Offer and Acceptance Mention your understanding from this video 0
Forum discussion(Understanding from this chapter)

Consideration Mention your understanding through Forum discussion from this video 0
Understanding from the Case

Which topic seems important to you?

Why past consideration is not supported by law?

Intention to create Legal relationship Understanding from this chapter

What have you learnt from this chapter?

Void and Voidable Agreement Mention your understanding through Forum discussion from this video 0
Understanding from this chapter

Which term in this chapter is difficult to you?

What is the difference between void and voidable agreement?

Capacity of Parties Understanding from this chapter

Free Consent Mention your understanding after watching the video 0
Forum discussion from this chapter

Legality of of object and Consideration Mention your understanding through Forum discussion from this video (copy) 0
Understanding from this chapter

Why this chapter is important to you?

Contingent Contract Understanding from this chapter 0
Performance of Contracts Understanding from this chapter 0
Topic 14 Understanding from this chapter 0