Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology

Welcome to my course

Course Code: MPH 512

Credit : 3          

Contact Hours: 45 hours

Total Marks: 100

Department: Pharmacy

Faculty: FAHS

Semester: Fall 2020

Instructor Iformation:

Name: Dr. Mohammed Shafikur Rahman

Designation: Assistant Professor


Contact No.: 01737825356

Class Schedule: 

Day: Friday, Time: 5:00 PM-7:00 PM

Course Schedule: 

1. TDDS: Lecture # 1-4

2. SRDF: Lecture # 5-8, Quiz # 1

3. AHU: Lecture # 9-12, Quiz # 2

4. Pre-formulation: Lecture # 13-16

5. LiposomeLecture # 17-20

6. NiosomeLecture # 21-22, Quiz # 3

7. Granulation: Lecture # 23-26

8. Advance Coating Technology : Lecture # 27-30

Office hour: 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Course Rationale:
Advancement of pharmaceutical technology worldwide and improvement of the quality of the pharmaceutical products is happening simultaneously. In the light of this process various new dosage forms were developed in recent years. The development of dosage forms is giving the satisfaction of the patients as well as maximizing the profit of the owners. So, to achieve the advance technology of new dosage form and manufacturing them can ensure the masters students to be able to get hired by the companies.

Course Objective: 

1. Describe the advance knowledge of pharmaceutical technology with developed expertise on technical know how of manufacturing.

2. Explain the comprehensive and integrated approach of NDD (novel drug delivery).  

3. Consider the pre-formulation study for developing a formulation and evaluation of pharmaceutical products. 

4.  Justify the advance technique used in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.

Course Outcome: 

1. Define different terms related to advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing

2. Explain the concepts of manufacturing of quality pharmaceutical products using advanced technology 

3. Differentiate between traditional and advance technology in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products

4. Generate the idea of formulating and manufacturing drugs with advanced technical know how 

5. Justify the manufacturing process of advanced pharmaceutical products

Course Content:

1.      Preformulation Technology: Goals of preformulation, preformulation parameters, methodology, solid state properties, solubility and partition coefficient, solubility, modern concepts in rheology, drug excipient compatibility. Theory, mathematical models, types of dissolution equipments, sink condition and its importance.  


2.      Compaction and Compression of Powders: The process of compression, properties of tablets affected by compression, measurement of compressional force and instrumented tablet machine, energy expenditure in tablet manufacturing and effect of lubricant in tablet strength.


3.      Granulation Technology:  Characterization of granules, principle governing particle size enlargement, granule size measurement and interpretation of size data, characterization of granule shape, characterization of granule surface area, granule density and packing characteristics, electrostatic properties of tablets, rheological properties of granules, granule strength and friability.


4.      Advanced Film Coating Technology: Theories of film coating, adhesive and cohesive strengths, polymers used in film coating, physico-mechanical properties of polymer films, diffusion properties of polymer films, processing conditions for both organic and aqueous systems, film coating problems and remedies.


5.      Advanced Drug Delivery Technologies:


(a)   Sustained Release Drug Delivery Technologies:  Rate-preprogrammed drug delivery systems, activation-modulated drug delivery systems, feedback-regulated drug delivery systems, site-targeting drug delivery systems, etc.

(b)  Transdermal drug delivery system, nasal drug delivery system, ocular drug delivery system, parenteral drug delivery system, vaginal drug delivery system, intrauterine drug delivery system, liposomes and nanoparticles drug delivery system, biodegradable drug delivery system, hydrogel-based drug delivery system, drug delivery to the lungs:  Metered dose inhalers and dry powder inhalers.


6.      Aseptic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Clean rooms for aseptic pharmaceutical manufacturing, HVAC systems for clean room, validation of clean rooms, container and closure cleaning and sterilization, pyrogens and depyrogenation, aseptic filling of sterile powders, Blow-Fill-Seal aseptic packaging technology, clean in place (CIP) and sterilization in place (SIP) systems.


7.      Validation Techniques for Pharmaceutical Industries: Definitions, scope of validations, hierarchy  of validation, validation protocol, prospective validation, retrospective validation, concurrent validation, revalidation, validation in pharmaceutical development, benefits of validation, Process validation: Validation of solid products & sterile products, facilities, equipment & services validation, raw materials validation, cleaning validation, analytical methods validation, packaging components validation, computer systems validation, etc.



8.       Materials of Constructions for pharmaceutical manufacturing: General considerations affecting choice of materials, chemical factors considerations, physical factors considerations, metals and non-metals used in pharmaceutical plants, iron, steel & other non-ferrous metals, corrosion testing, mechanism of metallic corrosion, etc.


9.      Industrial Management: Organization structures, managerial role of Pharmacists, Personnel management and industrial relations, Objectives and functions of personnel department, employment and development of personnel; industrial relations: problems of labor management relations, causes of industrial disputes, remedies, industrial dispute act, trade union grievance and grievance handling procedure, causes of grievances and remedies.


10.  Good manufacturing practices for pharmaceuticals: Status and applicability of regulation, current good manufacturing practices in manufacturing, processing, packaging and holding of drugs, production and process controls, ISO certification systems etc.

 Recommended Books:

1.      Cooper and Gunn's Dispensing for pharmaceutical students - John William Cooper, Colin Gunn

2.      Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablets. - H A Liberman, L Lachman and J B Schwartz

3.      Bentley's Textbook of Pharmaceutics - Sanjay Kumar Jain & Vandana Soni

4.      An Introduction to Pharmaceutical Formulations – A.G. Fishburn

5.      Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems - Loyd V. Allen, Nicholas G. Popovich & Howard C. Ansel

6.      Pharmaceutics and pharmacy practice - Gilbert S. Banker & Robert K. Chalmers

7.      The Art, Science and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding – Loyd V. Allen & Loyd V. Allen Jr.

8.      Theory and practice of Industrial Pharmacy – Leon Lachman, Herbert A. Lieberman & Joseph L. Kanig

9.      Sprowls' American Pharmacy: an introduction to pharmaceutical techniques and dosage forms - Joseph Barnett Sprowls

10.  Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines - Michael E.       Aulton

11.  Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology - James Swarbrick & James C. Boylan

Assessment Strategy:

  • Class Attendance: 5
  • Quiz: 10
  • Presentation: 5
  • Midterm: 30
  • Final Exam: 50
  • Total: 100

Grading System:

    Numerical grade


    Letter Grade

    Grade Point

    80% and above



    A Plus


    75% to less than 80%



    A Regular


    70% to less than 75%



    A Minus


    65% to less than 70%



    B Plus


    60% to less than 65%



    B Regular


    55% to less than 60%



    B Minus


    50% to less than 55%



    C Plus


    45% to less than 50%



    C Regular


    40% to less than 45%



    D Regular


    Less than 40%






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