Topic outline

  • Welcome to CSE 421 Computer Graphics Course



    Dear Students, 
    Welcome to the CSE 421 Computer Graphics Course. I, Fabliha Haque, will be your co-pilot in this online journey of learning. Let us ignite ourselves to start this journey at great speed.
    Fabliha Haque
    Lecturer, Department of CSE
    Daffodil International University


    Instructor Information: Fabliha Haque

    Designation: Lecturer

    Office address:  102/1, Sukrabad Mirpur Rd, Dhaka 1207  

    Course Rationale:

    Computer Graphics is a 3-credit senior-level course that introduces the concepts and implementation of computer graphics. As one of the important subject areas of the study of computer science and information systems, this course will focus on the theoretical aspects and implementation of computer graphics using OpenGL.

    Course Objectives:

    • To understand design thinking skills across the disciplines of computer graphics.
    • To animate the efficiency of problem solving focus in relate to visualization of  the device.
    • To develop the effective skills in the implementation on computer graphics for the digital ages.

    Course Outcomes (CO's):

    After completing this course, students will be able to

    • CO1: explain the core concepts of computer graphics, including output primitives, anti-aliasing, transformation and viewing in 2D.
    • CO2: apply the concepts of 3D display, projection, perspective, modelling and transformation
    • CO3: describe the fundamentals of color models, lighting and shading models, animation, dithering, parametric curves, hidden surface elimination and rendering
    • CO4: demonstrate effective OpenGL programs to solve graphics programming issues, including output primitives, 2D and 3D transformation, objects viewing and modelling, colour modelling, lighting and shading

  • Class Attendance Submission


    • Week-1: Preparing for Background


      Topics of discussion:

      • Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer Graphics
      • Lecture 2: Video Display Devices: Refresh Cathode Ray Tubes, Raster & Random Scan displays, Color CRT Monitors, DVST & Flat panel displays

      Expected Learning Outcome:

      • Appreciate the use of Computer Graphics and it's real life Application.
      • Able to explain the core concepts of computer graphics, including output primitives, anti-aliasing, transformation and viewing in 2D.

      Resources of Learning:

      Book Chapter

      • Chapter 1: A survey of Computer Graphics

      • Chapter 2: Overview of Graphics System

      • Class Lecture (Slide-1): Section K URL
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      • Class Lecture (Slide-1): Section L URL
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      • Class Lecture (Slide-2) :Part_1 URL
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      • Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section K
      • Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
      • Discussion Forum- Week-1
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to any group
    • Week 2


      Topics for discussion

      Lecture 3: Points and Lines, Line drawing Algorithm

      Lecture 4: DDA Algorithm- example with plot in a graph

      Expected Learning Outcome:

            • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
            • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

      Book Chapter

      Chapter 3: Output Primitives


    • Week 3


      Topics for discussion

      Lecture 5: Parameter Description of Bresenham Line Drawing Algorithm

      Lecture 6: Bresenham Line Drawing Algorithm Implementation with Example

      Expected Learning Outcome:

            • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
            • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

      Book Chapter

      Chapter 3: Output Primitives

    • Week 4


      Topics for discussion

      Lecture 7: Properties of Circle, Circle Drawing Algorithm : Midpoint

      Lecture 8: Mid point circle drawing Algorithm Implementation

      Expected Learning Outcome:

              • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
              • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

      Book Chapter

      Chapter 3: Output Primitives

    • Week 5


      Topics for discussion

      Lecture 9: Antialiasing-Different techniques


      Expected Learning Outcome:

            • Able to understand the resolution and projection of the output primitives.
            • Able to implement the algorithm to pictorial form in the objects. 

      Book Chapter

      Chapter 4: Attributes of Output Primitives 

    • week 6


      Topics for discussion

      Lecture 10: Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformation
      Lecture 11:  Review Class (Previous Lecture)


      Expected Learning Outcome:

          •  To evaluate the transformation of an object  and viewing in two dimensional way..
          •  To perform with the mathematical expression in a computational  display. 

      Book Chapter

      Chapter 5: Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformation


    • QUIZ-02


      • QUIZ for Section K
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section K
      • QUIZ for Section L
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
    • Mid-term Survey

      • Week 7



        • Midterm Examination 2021 (K Section) Assignment
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        • [Google Form] Mid Exam Answer Script Submission (Section K) URL
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        • Midterm Examination 2021 (L Section) Assignment
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        • [Google Form] Mid Exam Answer Script Submission (Section L) URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
      • week 8


        Topics for discussion

        Lecture 19: 3D Geometric Transformation

        Expected Learning Outcome:

                • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
                • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

        Book Chapter

        Chapter 11: Three-Dimensional Geometric & Modeling Transformation


        • Class Lecture-3D transformation : Section K URL
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        • Class Lecture-3D transformation :Section L URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
      • Week 9


        Topics for discussion

        Lecture 12: Two-Dimensional Viewing, Window-to-Viewport Coordinate Transformation

        Lecture 13: Two-Dimensional Clipping,  Line Clipping Algorithm: Cohen-Sutherland

        Expected Learning Outcome:

              • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
              • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

        Book Chapter

        Chapter 6: Two-Dimensional viewing

        • Class Lecture- 2D Viewing and Clipping (Section K) URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section K
        • Class Lecture- 2D Viewing and Clipping (Section L) URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
        • Week-9 assignment ( Section K )
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        • Week-9 assignment ( Section L )
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      • Week 10

        Topics for discussion

        Lecture 14: Two-Dimensional Clipping,  Polygon Clipping Algorithm: Sutherland Hodgeman- Example

        Lecture 15: Two-Dimensional Clipping,  polygon clipping Clipping Algorithm: Weiler Atherton - Example

        Expected Learning Outcome:

              • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
              • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

        Book Chapter

        Chapter 6: Two-Dimensional viewing


      • week 11

        Topics for discussion

        Lecture 16: Two-Dimensional Clipping,  Polygon Clipping Algorithm: Sutherland Hodgeman 

        Lecture 17: Two-Dimensional Clipping,  polygon clipping Clipping Algorithm: 

        Expected Learning Outcome:

              • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
              • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

        Book Chapter

        Chapter 6: Two-Dimensional viewing

        • Class Lecture [Weiler Atherton Algorithm] : Section K URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section K
        • Class Lecture [Weiler Atherton Algorithm] : Section L URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
      • week 12

        Topics for discussion

        Lecture 18: Three Dimensional Display Methods, Parallel Projection, Perspective projection

        Lecture 19: Depth Cueing, Visible Line and Surface Identification, Surface Rendering

        Expected Learning Outcome:

                • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
                • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

        Book Chapter

        Chapter 9: Three Dimensional Concepts

        • Quiz-3 ( Section-K)
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        • Quiz-3 ( Section-L)
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
        • Class Lecture Section-L URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
        • Class Lecture Section-K URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section K
        • Class Lecture Section-L (Part 2) URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L
        • Class Lecture Section-K (Part 2) URL
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section K
      • Week 13

        Topics for discussion

        lecture 22 : Halftone Pattern and Dithering Techniques

        Lecture 23: Color Models and Color Applications

        Expected Learning Outcome:

        • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
        • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

        Book Chapter

        Chapter 14: Illustration Models & surface rendering Methods

        Chapter 15: Color Models & Color Applications

      • week 14


        Final Exam Syllabus:

        1. Transformation-2D and 3D (Five Basic Operations with example)
        2. Viewing: Window to viewport mapping
        3. Clipping- Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm,  Polygon Clipping Algorithm: Sutherland Hodgeman, Weiler-Atherton Polygon Clipping Algorithm.
        4. 3D Display: Parallel and perspective projection, Depth Cueing (Definition), Surface rendering (Definition)
        5. Color Model: RGB, CMYK

        Final Exam Assessment plan (Unified)

        Total Marks: 40

        Midterm Open Book Exam Guidelines for Students (Click to Download)

        Image to PDF Generator Mobile Apps: [Use any one of these apps]
        1. Cam Scanner [Click to download on your Smartphone]
        2. Fast Scanner [Click to download on your Smartphone]
        3. Tap Scanner [Click to download on your Smartphone]

        Google Form For Submitting Your Answer Script (Section K): Click Here

        Google Form For Submitting Your Answer Script (Section L): Click Here

        • CSE421 Final Examination: Section-K Assignment
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        • CSE421 Final Examination: Section-L Assignment
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Section L