CSE444 Assignment for Class test 1

Opened: Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 12:00 AM
Due: Monday, 14 June 2021, 11:59 PM
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Watch these lectures carefully and multiple times:


















Now answer the followings:

1. What you have understood about the robot mentioned in (A)? How it works and what it can do?

2. What you have understood about the robot mentioned in (B)? How it works and what it can do?

3. What you have understood about Robotics mentioned in (C)? What are the characteristics of robots you have found in (C)?

4. What you have understood about Robot Laws mentioned in (D)? Explain each one with your own words as discussed in (D). Who has given it? How the robots (A) and (B) follow (D)?

5. Mr. Bob bought a temperature sensor named LM35 from the market. Yesterday the temperature of the environment was 35-degree centigrade where the LM35 showed the following values for 10 times: 

30, 30.25, 30.5, 31, 31.25, 31, 30, 31, 32, 32.

On the above scenario explain the following terms for that LM35:

- Accuracy

- Precision

- Resolution

- precision with accuracy

- precision without accuracy

- accuracy without precision

Write the answers on the basis of your understanding from (G).

6. Explain any Classification you have understood from (E).
7. Explain 6 Specifications of Sensors that are only mentioned in (F). 
8. Explain 6 Attributes of Sensors that are only mentioned in (H). 


Do Not copy others. Plagiarism Checking is on. Only online texts are Allowed. No need to upload any files.

Attend the exam in BLC.

Deadline: 11.59 PM, 14-06-2021


NB: Answer with your own words and discussions of the video lectures. Do not copy others. The plagiarism checker is on. If plagiarism found you will get 0 marks.


No File uploading or handwriting is needed. Need to submit online text in BLC only.
