Explain the following theories

Objective of theories

Objective of theories

by Zerin Tasnim -
Number of replies: 1

1. Abraham Maslow's- Hierarchy theory

= This theory mainly focused how human partake in behavioural motivation. It describes physiological Safety, self realization,  satisfaction, community bonding etc.

2. Henry Mintzber- Managerial roles.  Henry mintzber think that skill are learned through experience. He also recommend  breaking down the management rules and responsibilities the work place will make simply complex.

3.. Winslow Taylor's- Scientific Management Theory : In this theory he give idea that Manager needed to co-operate with one another.

4. Henri Foyol's- Principal of Management: in this theory he divide 14 principle management like Division of work,authority and responsibilities, discipline, unit of command,unity of direction, subordination of individual interest etc.

5.Mc Gregor's - Theory of X and Theory Y : he give x to the team members who dislike their work and they also can get motivate  use an authorization management. 

And he give y to those workers take pride to their work and see it as a challenge.