Gender equality, also known as sex equality, is the perspective that men and women should be treated equally and there should be no discrimination on the basis of gender. Gender equality is achieved when men and women enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and when there is no sort of discrimination on the different behavioral characteristics, aspirations and needs of men and women. Even the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights has acknowledged the need for gender equality for the evolvement and progress of society.
Gender equality is measured by looking at the representation of both, men and of women, in a variety of roles. Efforts to promote gender equality are primarily about improving the situation of women and girls and expanding their room for maneuver and ensuring that they freedom of choice. It is also important to get men and boys to take their share of the responsibility for gender equality, for example, by taking a greater responsibility for their sexuality .
Gender equality is therefore not only a goal in itself but it is also a prerequisite for the reduction and the subsequent increase in development. Gender equality is also a prerequisite for democracy and for both, equitable and sustainable, global development.