Differentiate between Job description and Job specification.

Differentiate between Job description and Job specification

Differentiate between Job description and Job specification

by Naimur Rahman Naeem -
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A job description is the detailed information of the vacant position that states the job title, job location, duties, responsibilities, job role, etc. in a written format.

In other hand, A job specification is the set of specific qualities, knowledge, and experience the candidate must possess to perform a particular job.

So, the differentiate between job description and job specification are , 


• Job description measures the tasks and responsibilities attached to the job.

• Job specification measures the capabilities that the job holder must possess to perform the job.

• Job description usually lists out the job title, location, job summary, working environment, duties to be performed on the job, etc.

• Job specification lists out the qualifications, experience, training, skills, emotional attributes, mental capabilities of an individual to perform the job.

• Job description statement helps the organization to be clear about 'Who should do what'. 

 • Job specification statement helps the management to take decisions regarding promotion, bonus, internal transfers and salary increase. Etc.