Art of Living

Your intension to come to university

Your intension to come to university

by Muhammad Sajidul Islam -
Number of replies: 91

Write your intension to come to the university within 100 words.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Z. M. Tarik Azim -
University is about more than an education. University experience gives me the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to help me make my world better. University opens up a host of new opportunities and lets me take control of my life. University lets me develop as an individual. It gives me the time and opportunity to develop new interests, learn new skills and meet new people. Especially it‘s my first time away from home and I’ll become more independent and self-reliant. I’ll also have space to form an idea of the path I want to take after graduation.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Maisha Rahman -
My intention to come to university is mainly to pursue higher studies. Better education can lead me to a better lifestyle. Through many types of assignments, discussions and courses I can develop my skills. Besides studies I can learn many things from my university. I may find new passions, or new areas of interest within my field of study. I can get mixed and cope with people from different background and cultures. Because of this I can learn better communication. Healthy competition among good students can lead to self-development. In a nutshell, university can really help me to accomplish my dream.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Junaed Adil -
In my perspective, the university is an educational platform where people can acquire a particular set of skills at an advanced level. Here I'll try to answer honestly about my intention. For me, the university is not just a place to achieve a degree. It is a place where the process of learning molds into a different dimension. People get a chance to choose a specific career path, learning gets more practical, gets more relatable with life. Here I'll get a chance to build up a better communication network which allows me to create a strong career foundation.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by rafiul islam -
Study is the main intention to come to university . Besides study, exploring the world, knowing various people, creating good relation with teachers and seniors, developing my skills by doing clubbing and other activities, in a word preparing myself for future, for a goal.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Shaharujjaman Khan -
The main reason I came to university is to educate myself in higher education. Which is not possible through any other means except university. University helps people go one step further to fulfill their own dreams. A university is a place where a person becomes a full-fledged person. Many courses here, play an important role in improving one's skills by joining clubs. University lets me take control of my life. After all, university helps me fulfill my dreams and be educated in higher education.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Joy Mondal -
University is the highest educational institution. Inasmuch as I want to achieve higher education, I can't think of a better place than university. Again , It is the preparation period of our professional life, so the university creates an opportunity to help us achieve the skills which we need for our future life. I hope Me and my mates will take this chance to improve ourselves together & will try to make a better future.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Shameen Yaser Al Mahin -
First university is a platform to learn and to explore new things. I came to university to explore myself more deeply and to learn new things. University helps to gain more maturity. I came here to change my thoughts and to develop my inner me as a great human.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sajjad hossain Shourov -
University makes the beginning of one's higher education and is a major stepping stone in one's carrier. It makes use of the knowledge acquired in secondary and higher secondary levels of education and further transition's an individual's knowledge from It's theoretical aspect to It's practically.It matures the knowledge and skills of the individual against the Industry demand so one could really benefit both for themeselves and the economy by providing essential services for the community.So intentions of getting admitted to a University really boils down to the fact that such institutions not only helps an individual to take the right steps towards carrier advancements but also provides a roadmap to achieve the set of skills required to meet the market needs and industry standards. This is the ultimate goal of education that is enriching the theoretical aspect of knowledge for practical purposes and providing essential Services for the community.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by sadia afrin neshe -
University is about more than an education. My intention to come to the university to gain knowledge, skills, confidence and experience that will help me make the world better. I think University opens up a host of new opportunities in front of me and lets me take control of my future, and helps me to make a significant contribution to civil society.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md. Arafat Ali Bhuiyan -
In the world of opportunity, I want to make the best out of myself in this path university plays a big role. University a way to leverage promising career prospects, it is also a unique opportunity where I can look at myself and think about how I can improve myself and grow personally from the experience for the betterment of the society and myself as well.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Tawsif Ahmed -
A university is an institute of higher education. The main intention of mine to come to university is acquired knowledge and skills.
I think it provides me the time and opportunity to develop new interests, learn new Valuable employability skills and meet new people. Through many types of academic and co-curricular activities I can develop my skills. Besides studies I can learn many things from my university such as democracy , communication skill, leadership, team work, time management, problem solving etc.
I think it gives me the opportunity to become an expert in a subject that is i love and it's give me the proper taste of independence. It's prepare me for specific career path.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Khandaker Ahnaf Tahmid -
A university is a place where we can learn more then education. It’s a place where We can develop ourselves & our career . So basically My intension to come to the university to gain higher knowledge,Develop my speaking & writing skills , meeting with new people so for that we can be better in communication also . So I can say that in university I can prepare myself for a better future & for my professional life & also for better version of myself that’s why I’ve came to the university to learn & gain 
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Kazi Faiyaz Ahmed -
University is the highest educational institution all over the world. Here a student can know about the world and can make the world many beautiful. A student can also gain many kinds of knowledge and develop one's skills. My intention to come to university is mainly to the purpose for higher education and develop my skills for a better life to give a better world for a living. Better education can lead me to a better lifestyle. Through many types of assignments, discussions, courses, and exams, etc. can develop my skills. Besides studies, I can learn many things from my university. I may find new passions to do best or new areas of interest within my field of study. I can get mixed and cope with people from different backgrounds, areas, and cultures. Because of this, I can learn better communication. Healthy competition among good students can lead to self-development. I think the university can really help me to achieve my dream.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sithe samaddar -
University helps to go steps further to fulfill their own dreams. University life gives us the experience about skills ,knowledge and world. My intention to come to university is mainly for my higher education and develop my skill for living a better life. Through many exams, assignments, discussions for many courses helps me to develop my skill. Also from my other classmate I can learn about their different characteristics and cultures .University really helps me to complete my aim for my life.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Safaet jamil -
I admit in a University to fulfil my education. To complete graduation, a knowledgeable person,At last a honest man.To make good career University is mostly important place.To breath the knowledge.

EEE Department 
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Zilan Mahmud -
Q.A- Your intention to come to University
Name : Zilan Mahmud
ID : 211-33-1388
Department : EEE
More important than an education is the university Your university can bring your knowledge acquisition education standards to a place and the knowledge skills that give you confidence that help the world to learn and build in a new way. Also the main purpose of coming to the university is to study. In addition to studying, we develop good relationships with teachers and senior siblings who know different people to explore the world and to develop skills through other activities. In a word, prepare yourself for a goal for the future.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Tawhidul Islam -
Q.A- Your intention to come to University
Name- Tawhidul Islam

University can bring your knowledge acquisition education standards to a place and the knowledge skills that give you confidence that help the world to learn and build in a new way..The purpose of this paper will be to reflect my intentions as a university student and what I will do in my time as a student to achieve my future profession. To help achieve my goal, I will understand my responsibilities and prospects as a university student. I will earn the skills and qualifications to become a candidate in this new, competitive work field.I will retain the minimum of excelling in my courses and hold my position in the honors program. I will join organizations and activities in which may help build my resume.And I want to leave this varsity with honors after completing my graduationIn a word, prepare yourself for a goal for the future.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mehedi Hasan -
University is a place to fulfill dreams. Each person is admitted to the varsity with different thoughts.
From university we can increase the scope of our knowledge , skills and also know about the world.
I was admitted to varsity to increase the scope of knowledge and to be human.
I like to learn something new and get to know new peoples.
I was admitted to varsity to change my thinking mentality.
The reason for enrolling in Daffodil International University is their green campus
I am a nature lover That's why I was admitted to Daffodil International University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Abdur Rauf Chowdhury -
A university is a small society and the preparatory learning grounds for the real world. Here, we can avail a multitude of opportunities that are rare in other environments.
Besides the social and political development allowed by universities, education is the prime benefit. The quality and level of knowledge available in universities is far greater than most other institutions.
Universities also allow us to commune with other affiliated universities and institutions.
Daffodil is a university that provides all these benefits and opportunities. My intention is to use these university provided resources in order to accelerate and elevate my self development.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Avishek Chowdhury Barua -
University is that educational institute which decides our future and career. University serves professional knowledge on any specific sector, provides idea on professional sector. Besides this university is that place where we could develop our thoughts, here we could become a complex thinker. Here we can also get chance to observe various national and international issues , then express our opinion. So I think university is not only a typical educational institute like high school, it's a place of research, knowledge and grooming morality.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sakhawat Hossain Sabbir -
University is a place where we prepare ourselves better for our career by gaining higher studies,extra co- curricular activities,discovering diversity of thinking. I personally come to a university to flourish my professional way as well as to develop human qualities like ethics,morality etc.In a university we generate,preserve and distribute our knowledge to make our way of life better.It is a place to gain experience on specific subjects to build up career and also other subjects to assist as a developer of one's core learning way.In short, after my graduation I want to be self-dependent,finding better options for my career and overall a good human.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Rahad Ul Islam Himu -
The main purpose of admitted in University was to became an engineer. It was my dream to became an engineer. University is the highest Education Institution where we can earn knowledge and develop our skills. Here I can develop free thinking skills. I can learn a lot of things by mixing with different people.That's why I admitted in University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Semonty Rahman -
University gives me the opportunity to develop new interests, learn new skills. At university i have the opportunity to broaden my horizons by meeting new people from all over the world, facing new challenges and making use of the huge range of new activities. I came here to change my thoughts and develop my skills. And i think university is the place or platform where we can learn and explore together.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by md onmoy@hosen -
ID: 211-33-1381
Dept: EEE

In school-college we have a limited education but university life expands our education. Basically come to university to get higher education. As we get higher education from university, so we acquire human qualities. We have to focus on our career path in life. We can only hope for a better career if we have a wide range of knowledge. The university spreads that knowledge to us and gives us the gift of a good career. Not only do I gain knowledge for my career, but I also gain political and social knowledge from Lab University. Moreover, we get a lot of experience from the university. Daffodil International University is one of the different universities. From this university I got the opportunity to gain my good career and social knowledge and political knowledge.
Finally, I would like to say that the university builds a large family and a person in the university as the right person.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sharmin Siddika -
University is a place where we can learn and explore many thing. We can develop ourselves and our skills. From university we can get many opportunities which help me to develop my talents and helps me become self-reliant.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by shartho Chowdhury -
Daffodil International University is my first choice among the private universities to look for higher education after not getting the opportunity to get admission in any public university even after working hard enough. Education requires primarily goodwill,hard work,patience,perseverance and organization.First of all,the contribution of "DIU" as an organizations is essential in the development of these issues.I am come from middle class family.There is an opportunity to study at the DIU on the basis of good results with special discounts.In addition, the university gives special discounts on academic results every semester.It has been applied for me.Otherwise,my dream of studying university would not have been fulfilled.The university campus is approximately 150 acres in size and includes playgrounds,an auditorium, a basketball court, a food court, a gymnasium, a swimming pool, an innovation lab, an artificial fountain, a golf course, a hostel, a staff quarter, and other amenities.It has one of the largest library in Bangladesh.It has a lot collection of book.It has qualified teachers and a conducive environment for reading.Each student from DIU is given a laptop as a gift which is not given in any other versity.I have seen many of our older brothers and sisters come out of this university with unprecedented success, successful careers and good behaviour people.A huge opportunity of this University that's why I admitted at DIU.

Shartho Chowdhury
Daffodil International University
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Hashin Rayhan Akash -
Behind my admission to Daffodil is my parents and the purpose of fulfilling some of my dreams. We are children of lower middle class families. The methods we use to brighten the future are beyond our grasp except for higher education. Only good education and our only recourse in higher education.My parents' dream is that I can be reflected in life through good education. There is also no substitute for higher education if you want to establish yourself at the present time.It sounds a little different, but it's always real.My personal desire is not only to establish myself in an educated way, but also to engage myself in the service of the country and the people of the country by establishing myself in good education and higher education.If I can educate myself in good education and higher education then of course I can influence it in my surroundings. And in this way we can cooperate with everyone from our own place.In this case, we have no choice but to get our own good education. We are children of middle class families. Top other varsities in Bangladesh are out of our budget. Daffodil varsity is fairly within our reach and At a very good level in terms of quality.Judging and considering all this, I decided to get admitted to Daffodil International University and finally got admitted.

I believe in one thing, "Good education can change people, people can change society". Thanks
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by MD.Alfequr Rahaman -
The more educated a nation is, the more developed it is. University is one of the means to get an education.
Being the reason for my coming to university. I want to build myself as an ideal person. A university is a storehouse of knowledge. From where I want to acquire knowledge and educate myself well. Which a university can give me. Moreover one can acquire higher education as well as mental qualities from the university.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mohammed Ullah -
My intention to come to university :-

From my childhood ,I saw a dream .I would be a doctor or an engineer .By chance
Owing to my bad result,
l failed to be a doctor .
after that,I have decided to be an engineer.that's why
I got admitted at daffodil International university in Electrical and Electronics engineering department .
without studying at university . I will not be able to be an engineer .
that's why I am to pursue higher study.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Raihan Ahmed Hridoy -

This is Raihan Ahmed Hridoy. I'm 20 years old. I born and raised in Gazipur. Right now I'm study at Daffodile International University in ICE department. I have some specific reason and intention to study in university.   University  life is very much important and special for every one. Same from my side. First of all I admitted my self into university because of enrich my knowledge. Folk says that university is sea of knowledge. I just want to dive into that sea. I want enjoy and know different kind of culture and that is only possible in university. Beside I want to make friend with several types of people . The reason is innovation. From my childhood I want to invent some thing and I also have some plan. In future may be I'll get a lot of help from my classmates and also from my respectfull teachers. Thats all from my site

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md sharifull Islam -
A statement of purpose, also known as a letter of intent, or LOI, is a brief, focused essay submitted as part of your admission package to a school or university. The LOI establishes intent to enroll by informing Admissions of your educational and career background.An intention is idea that you plan (or intend) to carry out. ... Your goal, purpose, or aim is your intention. It's something you mean to do, whether you pull it off or not.I anticipate developing both personally and professionally from an international experience.
I have a deep interest in the culture, history, and language of the country, which I am excited to continue to explore and experience.
As someone who prides themselves on their ability to communicate across cultures, I believe I would be the perfect fit for a program that incorporates students from around the globe.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Olid hosen choton -
Olid Hosen choton
ID: 203-23-990

The main purpose of my university admission is to gain an explanation of the knowledge. I have acquired from first grade to twelfth grade and to automate myself about new means of communication opportunities and need a platform or space before starting anything. From where people all over the world can see me at a 360 degree angle and l can follow tham.Now the question may arise in the minds of many that both communication and acquisition of knowledge can be taken from the National university. Why here?if I give two examples,everything will be clear.Now look at the Daily star news from leading the whole world and their manpower is very effective and advanced. My main purpose in giving example is to make the learning platform long and strong from where we can turn and gain ideas and knowledge about the whole country and nation. Thank you.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sabuj Howlader -

Daffodil International University is my first choice among the private universities to look for higher education after not getting the opportunity to get admission in any public university even after working hard enough. Education requires primarily goodwill,hard work,patience,perseverance and organization.My intention to come to university is mainly to pursue higher studies. Better education can lead me to a better lifestyle. Through many types of assignments, discussions and courses I can develop my skills. Besides studies I can learn many things from my university. I may find new passions, or new areas of interest within my field of study. I can get mixed and cope with people from different background and cultures. Because of this I can learn better communication. Healthy competition among good students can lead to self-development. In a nutshell, university can really help me to accomplish my dream.

Sabuj Howlader 


In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by ohid miah -
Education is the backbone of the nation. High quality education and hard work can take us to the brink of success. So to get the key to that success, after finishing secondary and higher secondary, to set foot in the university. The purpose of my coming to the university is basically to pursue higher studies and to develop a good minded person. Advanced education can lead me to a better life. I can develop my skills through many types of assignments, discussions and courses. In addition to studying, I can learn a lot from my university. I can find new passions, or new fields of interest in my studies. I can blend in and deal with people from different backgrounds and cultures. This is why I can learn better communication. Healthy competition among good students can lead to self-development. In short, the university can really help me fulfill my dreams.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by wakida ulka -
The first purpose of coming to the university is to educate myself in higher education. Studying is the main reason for coming to the university. I came here to learn and in addition to learning I want to explore the world I want to mingle with people I want to make some new relationships with teachers, seniors and my classmates and from here I want to grow my skill to achieve success in my future. I want to build and reach my goal from to learn here.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by K. M. Marufa Yesmin Mim -
My intention to come to university is mainly to pursue higher studies. University is about more than an education. University gives us the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to help making our world better. University opens up a host of new opportunities and lets us to take control of our future.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md Safat rezanur majumder17 -
A university is an institution of higher education and research that awards academic degrees in several academic disciplines. Universities typically offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programs in different schools or faculties of learning. Daffodil International University is a rising name in Bangladeshi education. In a short period, this university has made its mark. It is also one of the best universities in Bangladesh for Computer Science and Engineering. I am a computer science enthusiast. Daffodil International University is a great place for that. Hence, my true intention for joining daffodil is to learn, gain knowledge and use it for a better understanding of humanity.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Hasibul Hasan Anik -

Every student has a dream that one day he will go to university.The role of universities as repositories and generators of knowledge. The obligation to equip graduates so that they can obtain viable employment. The obligation to offer rational and timely criticism in areas of public policy and social and economic life.

  • For their career. Improving career prospects.
  • For their self development. Building self-confidence, independence and responsibility.
  • For their future. Gaining experience with extracurricular activities.

Develop the essential skills you'll need in your career and working life – communication, organisation, time management, team work, leadership, problem-solving. increase your earning potential – having a degree makes you more attractive to employers, you'll have a greater choice of jobs and you'll earn more.

Universities are the lighthouse of society and they produce enlighted citizens who lead the country. Universities not only educate the youth and prepare them for their future but also carry on important research works that benefit the society as well as the country.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mst.Fariha Akter -
My first intention to come to the university is to explore and enrich my skill, gather and know new things, because without the knowledge or knowing anything can't give me what I want.

Lastly, for continuing my higher study abroad, also get a successful career for establishing myself, I need a degree as well as great skills. Because workplaces recognize a standard of learning based on a degree, It can be easier to get a job when one has a university degree because university graduates tend to make more money than those without qualifications
Higher salaries can lead to a better quality of life and more ease at affording the life one wants.

Further, I have some other explanations, such as I believe that Universities are collections of some of the brightest scholars. Being around other incredible mentalities can spark new ideas and encourage interest in new areas.
Students come from many backgrounds come together. For some students, especially students from small towns, like me, going to a higher institution of learning such as a university may provide them with the first opportunity that they’ve had to meet people from another culture. Learning about other people is a valuable part of life experience. I'm also the kind of person who loves to meet new friends as well as many people. And I also have so many friends though I never meet them in person as the pandemic situation.
And we all know that University research benefits everyone – creating businesses and jobs, enriching society, and stimulating culture.

Even though I have been reluctant many times to follow this combination of my study course about computer science and engineering, as it is regarded as having the largest workload, also some personal issues But I'll keep pushing myself to learn and I believe that I will make it possible with my passion, commitment, and hard work in my field.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Umme Suraiya Kawsary Aktar -
University is a place to acquire knowledge. The reason I came to university is because I want to acquire knowledge and be established. I don’t want to be dependent on anyone for this it is very necessary to acquire my knowledge which is why I came to university.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md. Nazmul Huda -
The main purpose of admitted in University was to learn and make myself prepare for my future. Basically I am learning CSE right now. To do this I have to learn more and more to develop my skill. Besides learning and developing my skill i can learn many things from my university. Which will be helpful for my future. Besides that I also want explore many things during my study.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md. Asgar Ali Manik -
At university I have had the opportunity to expand my horizons by meeting new people from around the world, facing new challenges and using a wide range of new activities. I came here to change my thinking and to develop my skills. And I think the university is the place or platform where we can learn and explore together. The university is the highest educational institution. A student can complete his studies here and also develop many skills. Advanced education can lead me to a better life. I can develop my skills through many types of assignments, discussions and courses. In addition to studying, I can learn a lot from my university. I can find new passions, or new fields of interest in my studies. I can blend in and deal with people from different backgrounds and cultures. This is why I can learn better communication. Healthy competition among good students can lead to self-development. I think the university can really help me fulfill my dreams. The university gives me the opportunity to learn new interests, new skills. At university I have had the opportunity to expand my horizons by meeting new people from around the world, facing new challenges and using a wide range of new activities.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md Ibrahim Mahamud Khan -
My intention to come to university is mainly to learn. However university is not only a place learn bookish knowledge but also a place to research.
Do practical things and gain practical knowledge . I want to create new ideas and work on those ideas with the help to those practical knowledge and to do that is my intention to come to university.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Amran Hossain -
University is a place to fulfill dreams. Each person is admitted to the varsity with different thoughts.
From university we can increase the scope of our knowledge , skills and also know about the world.
I was admitted to varsity to increase the scope of knowledge and to be human.
I like to learn something new and get to know new peoples.
I was admitted to varsity to change my thinking mentality.
The reason for enrolling in Daffodil International University is their green campus
I am a nature lover That's why I was admitted to Daffodil International University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by firoj al mamun (192-15-1061) -
The main reason I came to university is to educate myself in higher education. Which is not possible through any other means except university. University helps people go one step further to fulfill their own dreams. A university is a place where a person becomes a full-fledged person. Many courses here, play an important role in improving one's skills by joining clubs. University lets me take control of my life. After all, university helps me fulfill my dreams and be educated in higher education.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by asif 4027 -
The university is the world's highest educational institution. My primary motivation for attending university is to further my education. A better education could lead to a better way of life for me. I also wish to provide for my family with everything I have. Because they have helped me in several ways. It will be my first time away from home, and I will become more self-reliant and independent. I'll also have time to think about what I want to do after graduation.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Afrin Jahan Puspo -
We come to university to learn and gain skills. But except learning academic things we learn how to lead, we meet many different kinds of people and communicate with all over the world. Our purpose of coming to a university is to stay connected with knowledge of the whole world. It is not only about the major subject we do study on. It is a connection between a student and the world. So, my intension to come to a university is to gain skills, to learn, stay connected with the world and people, lastly full fill my dream and work for the world.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mubtasim Rahman Shrabon -
University is about more than an education. University experience gives someone the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to help someone make world better. Whether you're a school leaver or a mature student, university opens up a host of new opportunities and lets you take control of your future. A university qualification makes you more attractive in the eyes of future employers and increases your earning potential. It shows that you have the ability and self-motivation to learn at a higher level, and the dedication to see your course through to the end. University lets you develop as an individual. It gives you the time and opportunity to develop new interests, learn new skills and meet new people. Especially if it‘s your first time away from home, you’ll become more independent and self-reliant. You’ll also have space to form an idea of the path you want to take after graduation.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Razone Parvej Rabbi -

My intention to come university is gaining knowledge , skills and also having higher educational degree in my life. In our current world without enough knowledge, perfect skill and experience , It is hard to succeed in life. And for a happy and wealthy life we must also need a good position and a good job. I want to be perfect in every aspect in my life so that I can successfully shine in my life and make my family and loving people proud of me and also become a human with a pure heart and to become wiser in life education is a must for everyone. So I am looing forward to it and will try  my best to achieve my goals and be successful in my life.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sadia Islam -
University is an institution where we study for degrees and where academic research is done.I am studying Computer science and Engineering at the request of my father. I came to the university to learn a lot, to take myself to a higher is a unique opportunity where I can look at myself and think about how I can benefit and grow personally from the experience.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Shahjalal Bhuiyan -
University is about more than an education. University experience gives me the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to help me make my world better. University opens up a host of new opportunities and lets me take control of my life. University lets me develop as an individual. It gives me the time and opportunity to develop new interests, learn new skills and meet new people. Especially it‘s my first time away from home and I’ll become more independent and self-reliant. I’ll also have space to form an idea of the path I want to take after graduation.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mahedi Hasan -
I went to university to do something good in life.
And I took CSE because the current world is the world of technology, so studying this technology will put me far ahead. And since there is a lot of lack of jobs in Bangladesh, studying technology will give me the opportunity to work abroad.I think this is a great opportunity to be an entrepreneur.
Varsity life gives us a new life. Because this is the first time we go out of the house which teaches us anew about the situation outside.
Basically, the university is Karigarh, the place of creating the people's resources of the country. From here our future, the future of our country is determined.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Waly Ullah Fahim -
A university is an institute of higher education. The main intention of mine to come to university is acquired knowledge and skills. My intention to come to university is mainly to pursue higher studies. Better education can lead me to a better lifestyle. Better education can lead me to a better lifestyle. Through many types of assignments, discussions, courses, and exams, etc. can develop my skills.Folk says that university is sea of knowledge. I just want to dive into that sea. I want enjoy and know different kind of culture and that is only possible in university.So I think university is not only a typical educational institute like high school, it's a place of research, knowledge and grooming morality. I want to do something for the development of my country and its people,Because our country is far behind in terms of technology. When i complete my graduation I will introduce people to advanced technology through various camps. And I want to do a good job and stand by my family.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Rudra Ghosh -
In today's job market, one needs to have at least a bachelor's degree in order to be able to apply for a good paying job. The subject that they wish to get a bachelor's degree on, is totally up to them but, everyone at least needs to be in a University to be eligible to get one. Besides this, University is an institute which can not only provide higher education, but also give the opportunity to develop various skills, such as leadership, communication, team work, time management and so on. University life is also said to be the best time of student life. It is the time when a person makes their life long friends, makes new connections and most importantly makes the most precious memories of their life, besides receiving the best opportunity to become an expert in a chosen subject. In order to excel in not only in work-life but also in day to day life, University is the best possible way of doing so.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md. Robiul Islam -
My intention to come to university is mainly to pursue higher Education. The university is not just a place to achieve a degree. It is a place where the process of learning molds into a different dimension. A university is a place where a person becomes a full-fledged person. A university is a place where we learn many knowledge, skill etc. Also here we meet different person. We learn many things and develope our knowledge. So I can say that it's prepare me a good skillful human and it's can help my a good career.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by S. M. Mainul Islam -

The purpose of coming to the university is to introduce myself as I am, to learn something new and from now on to find a way to improve my skills. Also in the vicinity of the university we actually face many new challenges that teach us to enjoy life. From there we can mingle with a lot of people who come from very different backgrounds. This allows us to experience walking with everyone. University can assist pupils develop their self-esteem and independence. Students will have several opportunity to meet new people from other nations and backgrounds. Living on one's own can also foster a greater sense of responsibility.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Moyen Uddin -
I want to take classes at university because I have been bored at home for 2 years. Now I want to tour. I want to give a tour of the whole of Dhaka. Not if the university is closed. And yes I want to see how I do it directly in class. Thank you.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sadia Afrin -

I  admitted to this university. because University is the highest educational institution all over the world. My intention to come to university is mainly to the purpose for higher education and develop my skills for a better life to give a better world for a living.  I may find new passions to do best or new areas of interest within my field of study. It makes use of the knowledge acquired in secondary and higher secondary levels of education and further transition's an individual's knowledge from Its theoretical aspect to Its practical. Better education can lead me to a better lifestyle. Through many types of assignments, discussions, and courses I can develop my skills.  Besides studies, I can learn many things from my university. Because of this, I can learn better communication. In a nutshell, a university can really help me to accomplish my dream. I think the university can really help me to achieve my dream.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Zufikar Hossain -
My intention behind admitting in the university is mostly to pursue higher studies because higher education can help me get jobs that can improve my lifestyle. I have other interntions as well. I can learn and develop various skills with the help of the courses and assignments from the university. Through these learning experiences I migh be able to discover passions and desire to learn something new inside my area of studies. I want to compete with students that are hard working so that I can improve myself. I also want to meet with new people that come from various places and communicate with them in order to further my connections. Because having connections with a lot of people makes life a lot easier and this will also help me get better at communicating. In short, I want to make myself prepared for a better future through my university life.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Jahidul Hasan Munna -
Basically I came to university is to learn something different. But First of all I want to get higher education which is the most important. Then Building my self-confidence, independence and responsibility because I will have plenty of opportunities to make new friends from different place and countries and backgrounds. Next Gaining experience with extracurricular activities beacuse there are always dozens of extracurricular opportunities to get involved with at university, which will boost both enjoyment and employability throughout the higher education experience. At last Improving my career prospects and then Enjoying exciting opportunities.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mohammad Ibrahim -
A proverb goes that knowledge is power.I also took admission in the university to acquire knowledge, for personality growth, and to organize my career in a beautiful way .
University is about more than an education. i believe university experience will gives us the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to helps us to make our world better.
I chose the CSE subject because I enjoyed it in college. As the university presents an opportunity to delve deeper into a subject, I think the university will lay the perfect foundation for a career of my interest and thats why i admited in University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Songeeta Paul -
We are admitted to the university to achieve a certain degree and to acquire knowledge in fulfilling a certain goal.
I want to be an engineer since childhood. That's why I enrolled in Daffodil International University in Computer Science and Engineering.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md. Asif Mahmud Sabuj -
Study is the main intention to come to university . Besides study, exploring the world, knowing various people, creating good relation with teachers and seniors, developing my skills by doing clubbing and other activities, in a word preparing myself for future, for a goal.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by aysha amir -
My primary reason for attending university is to further my education. A better education can lead to a better way of life for me. I can improve my skills through a variety of assignments, discussions, and courses. Aside from my studies, I can learn a lot from my university. Within my field of study, I may discover new passions or areas of interest. I can mix with and cope with people from various backgrounds and cultures. As a result of this, I will be able to improve my communication skills. Healthy competition among good students can lead to personal growth. In a nutshell, university can greatly assist me in achieving my goal.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mohammed Nazmul Hoque Shawon -
In our education system, student don't get enough scope to free thinking, independence, innovation and research until college life. Almost everyone has to go through a kind of conventional lifestyle. But the university is a place of open learning and creation something new. At this stage of life, a student can actually know himself and enrich more. He can practice free thinking, innovation, creativity.

It is said that the university is an environment of free knowledge and creativity. Students from different regions, different cultures, different religions, different backgrounds come here. It is possible to mix with new people as well as achieve our social values and responsibilities.

I, like everyone else, grew up with this conventional thinking and educational system. But I am always in favor of knowing and discovering something new. So, to know more myself and intended to enrich my creativity, I have come to an open knowledge environment like university. I think I can learn something new from here and make myself efficient and rich.

If I say about my respective field, I always liked IT world actually. Due to which, I am looking forward to learning in this field, gaining skills as well as inventing something new, which will take my country one step further in the world arena. I am ready to take up the challenge for myself, for my country. And that is why I have come to an open learning environment like a university to build myself as a skilled and worthy citizen.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by S.M. ATIK 211-15-3936 -
My intention to come to the university is to build my career,charecter and make friendships that last a lifetime. I want to learn new skills that I can apply in real life . University is a place where I can also grow my self confidence as a person . I can also learn to live independently . I can gain tremendous amount of experience from the university. There are also a lot of opportunities in the university that can aid my success in real life.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md. Sulyman Islam Sifat -
first is to build my confidence, independence and sense of responsibility I admitted in university . Also purpose of coming to the university is to introduce myself as I am, learn something new and find ways to improve my skills from now on.
Besides studies, I can learn many things from my university. Because of this, I can learn better communication.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md Raihan Hossain -
My main purpose of being admitted to the university is to acquire higher knowledge and it will help me for full fill my dream. Beside University can help me to build self-confidence, also we will have plenty of opportunities to make new friends from different place as a result we learn about different cultures. In fact, the university is not just a place to get a degree. This is a place where the learning process takes on a different dimension and we learn a lot here in many ways. Here we have freedom of expression and we get opportunity for innovation and research work. The university’s open air and sprawling green campus attract me. I was so fascinated by the Daffodil campus and their education system is very good. That's why I have got admitted here.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mazid-ul-tafsir (Akash) -
We the people are always like to enhance our knowledge about the unknown thing. First of all when we are go to the school and there we can learn about newly thing from our book. From that place it become started to gaining knowledge. In university life we can communicate with many kinds of people, it give us new experiences about various topic. University help us to know about the world and also get higher education, it also helps us to meet us with the modern education. Sometimes we have to face a lot of compitition in our life, from the university it becomes easier to participate this kind of competition situation. A university life play a important role in a student life to lead his life properly . Without studying university sometimes it's not possible to do somethinge better for the people and for the family, we know education helps us to make something big for our society, my family and  everyone. 
So.. Comunicate with many unknowns people and also for enhancing our knowledge and to make myself higher and pure educative it's our main intension for come in university.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Arafath Kafy -

Md. Arafath kafy

There are few stages in our educational life. Every stage is important to make ourselves properly educated. This education is not only limited to bookish knowledge. From learning to walk to full filling our goals of life in every stage we learn. This is how we get educated.

But these stages of learning are different. School college and university all give us institutional education. But all of them are not the same. In school, we get basic knowledge of life like discipline, humility, politeness and get some bookish knowledge which has a limit. But university is not like that, it has no limit to learning. Here we have the full freedom of education to learn anything we want. We can know about different places, different situations and different people which helps us to make our future easier. With this kind of knowledge, we can solve any kind of problem and overcome any obstacles in our life. In university, we grow up our skills and knowledge to full fill our aims of life. That is when our life becomes successful. This is why the university is called repositories and generators of knowledge.

My intention to coming to University is to increase my scope of knowledge, rise my point of view and thoughts, get various skills and full fill my aims in life.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md Saiful Islam -
The main reason I came to university is to educate myself in higher education. Which is not possible through any other means except university. University helps people go one step further to fulfill their own dreams. Study is the main intention to come to university . Besides study, exploring the world, knowing various people, creating good relation with teachers and seniors, developing my skills by doing clubbing and other activities, in a word preparing myself for future, for a goal.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md Forhad Khan (211-15-3938) -
From my childhood I have a dream that I wants to be an engineer.To fulfil my dream university graduation is the first step. The main purpose of admitted in university was to became an engineer.University is the highest Education Institution where I can earn knowledge and develop our skills. Here I can develop free thinking skills. I can learn a lot of things by mixing with different people. University gives me the opportunity to develop new interests, learn new skills. At university I have the opportunity to broaden my horizons by meeting new people from all over the world, facing new challenges and making use of the huge range of new activities. I came here to change my thoughts and develop my skills. And I think university is the place or platform where we can learn and explore together.That's why I admitted in University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Saimon lslam -
At university I have had the opportunity to expand my horizons by meeting new people from around the world, facing new challenges and using a wide range of new activities. University experience gives me the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to help me make my world better. The main reason I came to university is to educate myself in higher education.I think University opens up a host of new opportunities in front of me and lets me take control of my future, and helps me to make a significant contribution to civil society.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by S.M. Thahidul Islam 211-15-3949 -

First university is a platform to learn and to explore new things. I came to university to explore myself more deeply and to learn new things. It is a place where We can develop ourselves & our career . So basically, my intension to come to the university to gain higher knowledge,Develop my speaking & writing skills , meeting with new people so for that we can be better in communication also.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sultana Chaity -

After completing schooling and intermediate we usually get admitted in the university for higher education.Each stage is very important for us.We learn different types of knowledge from each level of education.From the university we have bookished knowledge as well we develop ourselves and our career.We can also gain practical knowledge. Which is the courage to deal with different situations in future.

Usually the reason behind my university admission to explore new thing,communicate with new people, develop my skills, rise my thoughts and point of view. I also need a successful life for that I need to get a degree for a good job & a better life.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mohammad Shobuz Palouan -
My intension to come the university :
1. University is a kind of soul for every student because they can easily feel the ultimate liberty to express themselves.
2. It is not just limited in text-books. So, new creations are explored here for making life much better.
3. We can easily get mixed ourselves with people from several background and culture. So, we should stay away from communalism.
4. The gossip among friends in a typical tea stall with a cup of tea make our university life much enjoyable.
5. Everybody has a ultimate dream to be filled up as a student. My desire to come out as a perfect human being to serve the country and break the shackle of poverty.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Anamul Huq -
Those with the means and desire to attend university will find that this experience is very beneficial to preparing a person to become a productive member of society. Not only can a higher education lead to employment opportunities, it can also teach a person to network, cooperate in a team and be more open-minded. A university degree allows people to widen their employment opportunities as well as their own sphere of influence based on greater understanding of world issues. For example, a degree in English may lead to travel around the world to teach others, share knowledge and skills. A degree gives a person the confidence necessary to contribute to the development of others.One of the reasons why individuals pursue higher education is to gain the skills needed to attain their employment and financial goals. A university education is invaluable for individuals who wish to change their standard of living or to gain financial freedom. For example, financial freedom allows a person to travel, learn more about the world, but to also share this wealth and contribute to the wellbeing of others through charitable donations or volunteering.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Rakib Hasan -
From the very beginning of my life I dream for some achivement in my life. As the days goes, after completing my HSC I got myself admitted into university. There are some specific reason why i choose myself for university. I want to be a researcher in my life. I want to work with big data so i need a very clear concept of computer science background. Only university can give me such opportunity. Here i am now doing my B.Sc in CSE where releveant topics of computer science are taught. Thus i can get idea about data management.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Shakib- Al-Hasan -
University gives me the opportunity to explore the whole world and develop my mind.It gives me a better lifestyle,helps me to explore myself deeply.I can learn the good things and bad things of our life from university .
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md. Atikur Rahman Sawon -
In this short life I have spent and realize that a man learn from another more than a book. But we can't learn like that without knowing the exact method of learning. University is a place where we can find out learn like a starving poor man. In this place, so many quality full quality full people gathers here and try to open him/her self. So that we can earn the quality and learn from each other that can makes ourselves better. And specially the teachers here helps us to do that. This is my main intention to come to the university. The degree/certificates is the documentation prove of our knowledge is just comes with it.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Manasi Sarker Mou -
University is one of the most significant part of our life. University is known as one of the highest margin of education. My first and foremost intension for coming to the university is to acquire knowledge. Also, my other motive is gaining experience in various field . I joined club to participate in extra-curricular activities. I want to engage myself in various constructive activities to boost up my skill set. But of course, my main focus will be on my study, as this will help me to build up a successful career in my future life. I try to follow my teachers to earn guidance from them. Also, I want to attach myself to different developmental and political activities for helping me to grow my management and leadership skills.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md Imran Hossain -
University is the media that can help us to go for higher education in the way of institutional journey. A man can learn anything from anywhere but why this media took over the place of human intention to come to University to learn. This is because of the evolution of the study method. Now people are forced to learn. The system created an environment that is trying to bring someone's true nature that is learning. Human beings used to learn from nature, that was always happy and chill but now the industrialization demand to supply skillful people so now study has gone robotic way that's why new subject and learning materials are including day by day.

So, my intention is not far from this cause the system does not permit us to think outside of this. Like as a computer science student I will be an ordinary engineer then will serve a company. Companies serve people to earn, to sustain and the countries economy will be growing that way.

But University has one positive side I find that brings me to this place that is the students and their dream their hope. I truly appreciate their desire to become more, like a mountain. Then the society, the nation can recognize him. Cause we know our nation can not help ordinary peoples cause it is not prestigious but they bring exceptionals on their heads and dancing to get a wave from us.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Arham Dippo -
The more knowledge you gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth.Universities play an important role as leaders in teaching and learning, in education, research and technology. Actually university is the path where you can build up your career in a proper way.University experiences can give you the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to help you make your world better. A university qualification makes you more attractive in the eyes of future employers and increases your earning potential.Even if you want to do better in job perspective you can have a vocational degree to prospect in your career. University lets you develop as an individual. It gives you the time and opportunity to develop new interests, learn new skills and meet new people.Say for example it’s your first time to be in a hall without our family then you can have a chance to taste the independence.You will be able to be a versatile individual when you study in a university.You can enhance your communication skills,problem solving skills,public speaking,join clubs or volunteering program and curriculum activities,teamwork and enrich technical knowledges that what could make you a better Job applicant.As learning in university is not a full time study based education so you can give priority to your hobby.Meeting new people from all over the world, facing new challenges and making use of the huge range of new activities will make you capable of taking risk and handle any worst situation by your own.These things will boost up your confidence and responsibilities.The most fascinating thing is university will create scope to study in abroad if you maintain a good result thus you can get scholarships and for internship who knows you might get an opportunity to visit other developed countries.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Md.Nafiz-Al- Fuad -
University is about more than an education.
A university is the highest educational institution.I come here to explore my knowledge and develop my skills.University is the place where teachers will guide and help me to reach my goal.I came here to learn and in addition to learning I want to explore the world I want to mingle with people I want to make some new relationships with teachers, seniors and my classmates and from here I want to grow my skill to achieve success in my future. I want to build and reach my goal from to learn here.Because of this I can learn better communication. Healthy competition among good students can lead to self-development. I think university can really help me to accomplish my dream.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Sumaia Yesmin -
University is about more than an education. My intention to come to the university to gain knowledge, skills, confidence and experience that will help me make the world better. I think University opens up a host of new opportunities in front of me and lets me take control of my future, and helps me to make a significant contribution to civil society.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mehedi Hasan -
We all go through various stages of our life. Every stage is important as we learn different things in each stage. In this stage of our life we should interact with people in order to gather more knowledge. The main purpose of education is to learn new things and gather more knowledge. An university is the perfect place for both gathering knowledge and interacting with new people. Those are the reasons I got admitted into a university.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by hassan mahamud mridul -
My intention to come to university is mainly to pursue higher studies. Better education can lead me to a better lifestyle. Through many types of assignments, discussions and courses I can develop my skills. Besides studies I can learn many things from my university. I may find new passions, or new areas of interest within my field of study. I can get mixed and cope with people from different background and cultures. Because of this I can learn better communication. Healthy competition among good students can lead to self-development. In a nutshell, university can really help me to accomplish my dream.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Mohammad Sabbir Bhuiyan -
Universities play an important role as leaders in teaching and learning, in education, research and technology. In teaching activities, universities provide the professional training for high-level jobs, as well as the education necessary for the development of the personality.
First of all university is the highest educational institution.I come here to explore my knowledge and develop my skills.University is the place where teachers will guide and help me to reach my goal. I have some other explanations, such as I believe that Universities are collections of some of the brightest scholars. Being around other incredible mentalities can spark new ideas and encourage interest in new areas.
Students come here from many different backgrounds. For some students, especially students from small towns, like me, going to a higher institution of learning such as a university may provide them with the first opportunity that they’ve had to meet people from another culture. Learning about other people is a valuable part of life experience. I'm also the kind of person who loves to meet new friends as well as many people. And I also have so many friends though I never meet them in person as the pandemic situation.
And we all know that University research benefits everyone – creating businesses and jobs, enriching society, and stimulating culture.
Mohammad Sabbir Bhuiyan
dept. of ICE
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Bapon Chandra Podder (203-23-993) -
University is the highest educational institution. Inasmuch as I want to achieve higher education, I can't think of a better place than university. Again , It is the preparation period of our professional life, so the university creates an opportunity to help us achieve the skills which we need for our future life. I hope Me and my mates will take this chance to improve ourselves together & will try to make a better future.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intension to come to university

by Labonya Talukder -
My intention of coming to the University is to gain more and more knowledge, learn to do group works, to be able to achieve great things in life.