Art of Living

Exam Experience

Exam Experience

by Muhammad Sajidul Islam -
Number of replies: 21

Write about your final exam experience within 50/60 words.  

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Shaharujjaman Khan -
I got up for the first time at varsity and took the exam face to face. At first there was a lot of fear because for the first time, how to give the test, what will be the question, whether I will be able to give an opinion all the time. When the test was over, I sat down and gave the notebook. I got the question in time and started writing. And by the grace of Allah I wrote everything and came out on time.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Bapon Chandra Podder (203-23-993) -
Today's test was the first offline final test of our varsity life. The test was very good for me as the first offline test. I have learned a lot from doing this course and I am very happy to be able to present those subjects in the exam book. Thank you so much sir for teaching us everything with such sincerity.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Md Tarikul Islam -
Going to offline university was the first exam of my life. The questions were simple. But as the first exam, I don't know how well I was able to answer the questions. But I tried to answer nicely. I hope something good will happen,Inshallah. Alhamdulillah, I really enjoyed the exam of Art of Living course as the first exam physically. Thanks a lot, Sir.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by ohid miah -
Today we had Art Of Living  exams, sitting in the exam room was very scary because after many days I will sit the exam in the classroom, after that there is no syllabus, etc. After receiving the question, I saw that there was a question to be answered, Alhamdulillah, I gave the test, the rest is up to you
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Olid hosen choton -
This is my first offline exam after getting admitted in the university And I was very excited to take the exam but a little fear worked inside me. After a long time, everyone in the classroom was working together to give the exam a different feeling. Today was our first exam which caused a little fear in all of us. But I tried to answer nicely and by the grace of Allah , I've been able to answer all of the question nicely and accurately. It was a great experience.Thank you so much sir for teaching us everything with friendly.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Shameen Yaser Al Mahin -
It is a mixed experience sitting on the offline exam after a long period. I was also excited to see the question paper, because I could not predict the question. Alhamdulillah I gave a great exam. The question was on standard level, not very nor easy. After all thanks to our honourable teacher Mohammad Sajidul Islam for being so interactive.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Md Ziaur Rahman jony -
Alhamdulillah, by the infinite mercy of Allah, I gave the first test in the life of Varsity for the first time today. This is the first test in English in my life. I was writing well with the help of Allah. Everything in the test was good. Thank you to my eight Art of living course teacher Mohammad Sajidul Islam Sir. I am able to learn a lot in this course.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by khalid Hasan -
This is my first offline exam after getting admitted in the university And I was very excited to take the exam but a little fear worked inside me.It is a mixed experience sitting on the offline exam after a long period. I was also excited to see the question paper, because I could not predict the question. Alhamdulillah I gave a great exam.Alhamdulillah I have a great exam. The question was on standard level, not very nor easy. After all thanks to our honourable teacher Mohammad Sajidul Islam for being so interactive.We love you sir.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Sabuj Howlader -
First of all, thank God that we are able to take the offline exam after overcoming such a bad time. We gave this first offline exam in university life. We were very scared at first. What will the offline exam look like? But we left all the problems behind and took the offline exam. Today we feel good with our offline exam. We can learn from the art of living subject how to adapt to bad environment. Sajida Islam sir thank you very much for explaining us in such a way that we can move forward. Sir, I would love to do your class. I would not talk much but I would listen to you. Sir, I will always obey you. I will never forget you. Sir I wish you good health all the time. May Allah keep you well.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Md. Arafat Ali Bhuiyan -
This is my first offline exam after getting admitted to the university. After studying and giving exams online for a long time, the feeling of the offline exam was like childhood to me. I was also excited to see the question paper, because I had no idea what kind of question that might be. The question was not hard nor easy. Alhamdulillah I have tried to answer all the questions properly. Thanks to our honourable teacher Mohammad Sajidul Islam for being so interactive.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Md Saiful Islam -
It was my first offline semester final exam in varsity. At first I was little bit afraid to thought that how can I perform in physical exam. It was so much afraid and nervous for reason of the exam sheet would be fill by answer in English. English is one of my reason of afraid. That's why I was very nervous on previous day. But at the end , all over it is a great experience for me.
If I say something about today's question, it was so much good question, and I trying to do my best.
Thank you so much sir for teaching us and for giving us this excellent course Time.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by rafiul islam -
First of all, I wanna say that, it was a great experience for me. As it was my first offline exam in my varsity life, I was excited about my exam and nervous too. But I completed my exam properly and the exam was good. After a long time I felt the environment of exam hall and some little little things like " dost eita paros, eta ki hobe re ," with all of these, it was totally a great day .
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Hasibul Islam Munna -
This is my first offline exam after getting admitted to the university. After studying and giving exams online for a long time, the feeling of the offline exam was like childhood to me. I was also excited to see the question paper, because I had no idea what kind of question that might be. The question was not hard nor easy. Alhamdulillah I have tried to answer all the questions properly.
Thank you so much sir for teaching us and for giving us this excellent course Time.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

Art of living is one of my most favourite course. So i was very excited before my exam.I was confident about this exam.And it was the first offline exam in my varsity life.So this is very special for me.I did all the answer of all questions.And i wrote all the answer from my experience and my thinking.Thank you sir for teaching us so many tips and rules about our life.And the best think i can Learn that is "If our way of thinking is beautiful ;then our life is beautiful. "
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Joy Mondal -
Because of our first offline exam in university we all were a little bit nervous. The first 4 questions were moderate level questions but the other two in section B were a little hard because what we know about us in Bangla, it's difficult to translate in English. But overall, I think, I did good as I expected. Thank you sir.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by sadia afrin neshe -
First of all, I want to thank you sir, for being with us in this course. From my perspective, before the exam I was a bit nervous. But the question was standard and creative as well. I think if we really give a good thought about our life as well as career and profession as the question was meant to we can surely succeed in life. Thank you again sir.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Junaed Adil -
At first, I was a bit nervous about the offline exam. But, after getting the question I felt the question was fair and standard. And the best thing about the course and the exam is it is life-oriented. That is why I really enjoyed answering those questions. Though I think I could do a bit better. But, overall I'm satisfied with my answers.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Semonty Rahman -
It was a great experience to me! Well, after a long time i could seat for exams offline. Through Internet i participate and performed well in the exams, but it was feel like an assignment rather than exam. It was not only my first offline exam but also my university/undergraduate exam i performed. The examiner was guided us strictly but helped us a lot, AOL questions was very good and clear to understand and i think i had performed much better than my other course.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Sajjad hossain Shourov -
As,It's our first final in offline.The experience about offline is totally different from online exam.AOL question category was good as well as the guard also.All over good experience
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by Mohammad Sabbir Bhuiyan -
It is a mixed experience sitting on the offline exam after a long period. I was also excited. After all thanks to our honorable teacher Mohammad Sajidul Islam for being so interactive.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Exam Experience

by wakida ulka -
Going to offline university was the first exam of my life. The questions were simple. But as the first exam, I don't know how well I was able to answer the questions. But I tried to answer nicely. I hope something good will happen,Inshallah. Alhamdulillah, I really enjoyed the exam of Art of Living course as the first exam physically. Thanks a lot, Sir.