Discussion Week 1

Open Discussion-Genuine Opinion

Open Discussion-Genuine Opinion

by Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid -
Number of replies: 8

Say Hi!

What is the alternative of Microprocessor? Is there any alternative? Why we need assembly language?

In reply to Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid

Re: Open Discussion-Genuine Opinion

by Rezwanul Islam Alve -
In some processors, some use of the stack is build in to the instruction set via the call instructions and the interrupt mechanism. In other processors, this is not the case and you could, for example, use per-function static storage. But this would prevent multi-threading and the use of recursion, while using more memory and running slower because of the loss of cache coherency,

The stack is a very powerful mechanism. It has its disadvantages, but its advantages are so great that it has come to dominate all mainstream processors. If you want to replace it, could you outline in what way you expect your alternative to perform better?
In reply to Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid

Re: Open Discussion-Genuine Opinion

by Maruf Billah Surid -
I think- Microcontroller is the alternative of Microprocessor.
Computer is a machine. It cannot understand our common human languages, that's why we need Assembly language. Assembly language is important because it helps programmers to write human-readable code that is almost similar to machine language.
In reply to Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid

Re: Open Discussion-Genuine Opinion

by Anupam Paul -
Hello Sir,

I think there is no alternative to the Microprocessor. Because a microprocessor excels at “processing” large amounts of data very quickly whereas a microcontroller excels at “controlling” other hardware components (sensors, switches, motors, etc.),

We need assembly language because an assembly language, also known as an assembler language, is a low-level programming language. Assembly language has a very strong correspondence with the architecture’s machine code instruction and is specific only to that machine. Assembly language directly deals with the processor of a machine. Here, you can write code to access the registers and even deal with memory addresses directly for retrieving values and pointers. So, if you are writing a program that has a great algorithm, you are going to benefit greatly. This is mainly because assembly language is the gateway to optimization in speed, thereby offering great efficiency and performance. Assembly language is the only language that speaks to the computer/machine directly. It is the language that a certain CPU recognizes and different CPUs recognize different types of them.
In reply to Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid

Re: Open Discussion-Genuine Opinion

by Shohel Rana -

In my perspective, there is alternative of microprocessor that is microcontroller.

An assembly language, also known as an assembler language, is a low-level programming language. Assembly language has a very strong correspondence with the architecture’s machine code instruction and is specific only to that machine. It directly deals with processor of a machine. Here, you can write code to access the registers and even deal with memory addresses directly for retrieving values and pointers . It is the only language that speaks to the computer/machine directly. It is the language that a certain CPU recognizes and different CPUs recognize different types of them . It also makes it easier for debugging, as it is less complex, there is less overhead as compared to high-level languages.
In reply to Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid

Re: Open Discussion-Genuine Opinion

by Rahiul Hasan -
I think- Microcontroller is the alternative of Microprocessor.
A computer is a machine. It cannot understand our common human languages, that's why we need Assembly language. Assembly language is important because it helps programmers to write human-readable code that is almost similar to machine language.