Performance Test - 2 Part 1(Marks-13)

Opened: Friday, 26 November 2021, 2:30 PM
Due: Friday, 26 November 2021, 11:30 PM
Make a submission

Suppose You have an ip  Address, USing this IP address try to configure the following routing using 
on the following topology 

1. Static Routing

2. RIP Version 1

Use the Command link interface to configure

3. Submit: Submit the video File so that anyone can understand how it works and how you make it. upload the video on youtube/Google drive then submit it as an assignment.

Note that: 

  • We can make many subnets, so just copy's one's IP will decrease your marks.
  • To get the more serial interface to add HWIC-2t AND WIC-2T port on the router.