Development and Role of Selling in Marketing

“Sales is an outcome, not a goal. It’s a function of doing numerous things right”. Do you agree with this and Why?

“Sales is an outcome, not a goal. It’s a function of doing numerous things right”. Do you agree with this and Why?

by Md. Hossain Masud Anik -
Number of replies: 1

Yes sir and i agree with this statement.  A successful business must have minimum 5 goals

 1.Financial goals

2.Growth goals

3.Customer goals.

4.Employee development goals.

5.Social goals.

He salesperson's job is to make customer aware of the problem in order to convince them that they have a need to modernize the production process. In so doing the salesperson will have added value to the customer's business by reducing costs and created a win-win situation for their company and the customer. selling is really about having conversations with people and helping improve their company or their life. If you look at it like that selling is a very admirable thing. Every sales manager knows they need a solid plan the right people and a pipeline to be successful. but successful sales managers learn to balance. 


In reply to Md. Hossain Masud Anik

Re: “Sales is an outcome, not a goal. It’s a function of doing numerous things right”. Do you agree with this and Why?

by Dr. Tanvir Abir -
Thanks for your effort. I have edited the last part for you.

In order to persuade customers that they need to modernize the production process, it is the salesperson's responsibility to inform them of the issue. By doing this, the salesperson adds value to the customer's business by lowering costs and establishing a win-win scenario for both the firm and the client. In reality, selling is about engaging in conversations with customers and assisting them in trying to better their business or quality of life. Selling is a very commendable thing if you look at it that way. Each and every sales manager is aware that success depends on having a good plan, the correct team, and a pipeline. successful sales managers, however, learn to find a balance.