Self Understanding



by Aliza Ahmed Khan -
Number of replies: 32

Why MSA is necessary?

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Masud Rana 171-15-1370 -

MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists within a measurement process. ... MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision and stability.

  • Changes to swallowing. Changes to the mouth, throat and face muscles may result in times when your swallow...
  • Fatigue. Many people living with MSA will experience fatigue. ...
  • Sleeping. ...
  • Eating & drinking. ...
  • Saliva management. ...
  • Low blood pressure & monitoring. ...
  • Continence. ...
  • Dizziness/Postural Hypotension.
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Reaz Uddin Rafi -

# Why MSA is necessary?

 (MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists  within a measurement process. ... MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision and stability.)

# What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

The last part of the review addresses future challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the genomic era, most notably the need to cope with very large sequences, the need to integrate large amounts of experimental data, the need to accurately align non-coding and non-transcribed sequences and finally,

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Marupa Akter -

Why MSA is necessary?

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Sifat Ul Haque -

#Why MSA is necessary?

multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a sequence alignment of three or more biological sequences, generally a proteinDNA, or RNAFrom the resulting MSA, sequence homology can be inferred and phylogenetic analysis can be conducted to assess the sequences shared evolutionary origins.

#What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

Accuracy has been a traditional limitation of multiple sequence alignments for the last 20 years, and it is no surprise that this issue has been the most actively addressed, if only because inaccurate alignments are simply useless. The other interesting development has been the increase in the number of sequences. Traditionally, the length of the sequences (L) was greater than the number of sequences (N), and most methods were tuned so that they could deal with any value of L, assuming N would not be a problem. This is especially true of consistency-based methods that are cubic in complexity with N, but only quadratic with L. With N << L, the extra cost incurred by consistency remains manageable, but things degrade rapidly when N becomes big.

Applying DP is also difficult in such cases, we might have to choose a greedy approach instead of DP there.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Mahmudur Rahman Rifat -

1.Ans: MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists within a measurement process. MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision and stability.

2.Ans:    challenges :

               a.Difficult to score

               b.Difficulty increases with diversity

               c.Computationally expensive

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Toufiq Islam Swoad -

Multiple sequence alignment(MSA) is necessary to minimize the number of insertions/deletions (gaps) and, as a consequence, produce compact alignments. This causes several problems if the sequences to be aligned contain non-homologous regions, if gaps are informative in a phylogeny analysis. These problems are common in newly produced sequences that are poorly annotated and may contain frame-shifts, wrong domains or non-homologous spliced exons.

Challenges are to be faced by using MSA are as follows :
  • Development of adequate benchmarking techniques
  • Informative enough with respect to all potential applications of MSA methods
  • Reconstruction of accurate phylogenies

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Md. Al Rahat Khan -

Multiple sequence alignments provide more information than pairwise alignments since they show conserved regions within a protein family which are of structural and functional importance. That's why MSA is necessary.

- Computationally Expensive
- Difficult to score
- Difficulty increases with diversity

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Md.Jalal Uddin Rumi (Polok) -

Multiple sequence alignment(MSA) is necessary to minimize the number of insertions/deletions (gaps) and, as a consequence, produce compact alignments. This causes several problems if the sequences to be aligned contain non-homologous regions, if gaps are informative in a phylogeny analysis. These problems are common in newly produced sequences that are poorly annotated and may contain frame-shifts, wrong domains or non-homologous spliced exons.

Challenges are to be faced by using MSA are as follows :
  • Development of adequate benchmarking techniques
  • Informative enough with respect to all potential applications of MSA methods
  • Reconstruction of accurate phylogenies

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Md. Sabbir Hasan -

Why MSA is necessary?

Ans: Definition of Measurement System Analysis (MSA): An experimental and mathematical method of determining how much the variation within the measurement process contributes to overall process variability. There are five parameters to investigate in an MSA: bias, linearity, stability, repeatability and reproducibility.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

Ans: People typically live about seven to 10 years after multiple system atrophy symptoms first appear. However, the survival rate with MSA varies widely.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Fahim Yusuf -

Multiple sequence alignment(MSA) is necessary to minimize the number of insertions/deletions (gaps) and, as a consequence, produce compact alignments. This causes several problems if the sequences to be aligned contain non-homologous regions, if gaps are informative in a phylogeny analysis. These problems are common in newly produced sequences that are poorly annotated and may contain frame-shifts, wrong domains or non-homologous spliced exons.

Challenges are to be faced by using MSA are as follows :

  • Development of adequate benchmarking techniques
  • Informative enough with respect to all potential applications of MSA methods
  • Reconstruction of accurate phylogenies
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Tusar kumar sarder -

Multiple sequence alignments can be used to create a phylogenetic tree. ... The first is because functional domains that are known in annotated sequences can be used for alignment in non-annotated sequences. The other is that conserved regions known to be functionally important can be found.

The challenges are to be faced by using MSA :

1.Computationally Expensive

2.Difficult to score

3.Difficulty increases with diversity

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Tanvir Rahman -

Why MSA is necessary?

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Md Maruf Ibna Nasim Nishan -

1. MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists within a measurement process.

 MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision and stability.

2. People with MSA often develop pneumonia in the later stages of the disease and may suddenly die from cardiac or respiratory issues.

 While some of the symptoms of MSA can be treated with medications, currently there are no drugs that are able to slow disease progression and there is no cure.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Obaidul Islam -

MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists  within a measurement process. ... MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision and stability.

The last part of the review addresses future challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the genomic era, most notably the need to cope with very large sequences, the need to integrate large amounts of experimental data, the need to accurately align non-coding and non-transcribed sequences and finally,

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Tariqul Islam -

1.  MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists within a measurement process. MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision, and stability.

2. People typically live about seven to 10 years after multiple system atrophy symptoms first appear. However, the survival rate with MSA varies widely.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Himanish Debnath.[Himu] -

Multiple sequence alignment(MSA) is necessary to minimize the number of insertions/deletions (gaps) and, as a consequence, produce compact alignments. These problems are common in newly produced sequences that are poorly annotated and may contain frame-shifts, wrong domains or non-homologous spliced exons.

using MSA are as follows as,-

1.Development of adequate benchmarking techniques

2.Informative enough with respect to all potential applications of MSA methods

3.Reconstruction of accurate phylogenies

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Md. Zahid Hasan -

Why MSA is necessary?

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Md. Tamjeed Monshi -

1.No Answer:

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

2.No Answer:
1.Computationally Expensive
2.Difficult to score
3.Difficulty increases with diversity

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by S.M.Rashedul Islam Bhuiyan 183-15-2323 -

1.ans:A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

2.ans:1.Computationally Expensive
2.Difficult to score
3.Difficulty increases with diversity

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Zobayda Akter -

Why MSA is necessary?

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Shoriful Hasan Sakib -
Multiple sequence alignments can be used to create a phylogenetic tree. ... The first is because functional domains that are known in annotated sequences can be used for alignment in non-annotated sequences. The other is that conserved regions known to be functionally important can be found.

The challenges are to be faced by using MSA :

1. Computationally Expensive

2. Difficult to score

3. Difficulty increases with diversity
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Salma Akter -

Why MSA is necessary?

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.
multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a sequence alignment of three or more biological sequences, generally a proteinDNA, or RNA. From the resulting MSA, sequence homology can be inferred and phylogenetic analysis can be conducted to assess the sequences shared evolutionary origins.
•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity
  • Development of adequate benchmarking techniques
  • Informative enough with respect to all potential applications of MSA methods
  • Reconstruction of accurate phylogenies.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Miah Mohammad Tamjid -

*Why MSA is necessary?

 Answer:: MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists  within a measurement process. ... MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision and stability.)

*What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

Answer:: The last part of the review addresses future challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the genomic era, most notably the need to cope with very large sequences, the need to integrate large amounts of experimental data, the need to accurately align non-coding and non-transcribed sequences and finally.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Sabith Hossain -
Why MSA is necessary?

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Umme Honey -
Why MSA is necessary?
A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Sk Taherul Islam -
Why MSA is necessary?

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Shakil Ahmmed -
333333333*Why MSA is necessary?

Answer:: MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists within a measurement process. ... MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision and stability.)

*What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

Answer:: The last part of the review addresses future challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the genomic era, most notably the need to cope with very large sequences, the need to integrate large amounts of experimental data, the need to accurately align non-coding and non-transcribed sequences and final
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Shakhawat Hossain 183-15-2335 -
Multiple sequence alignment(MSA) is necessary to minimize the number of insertions/deletions (gaps) and, as a consequence, produce compact alignments. This causes several problems if the sequences to be aligned contain non-homologous regions, if gaps are informative in a phylogeny analysis. These problems are common in newly produced sequences that are poorly annotated and may contain frame-shifts, wrong domains or non-homologous spliced exons.

Challenges are to be faced by using MSA are as follows :

Development of adequate benchmarking techniques
Informative enough with respect to all potential applications of MSA methods
Reconstruction of accurate phylogenies
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Md.Muktar Ali -
Multiple sequence alignment(MSA) is necessary to minimize the number of insertions/deletions (gaps) and, as a consequence, produce compact alignments. This causes several problems if the sequences to be aligned contain non-homologous regions, if gaps are informative in a phylogeny analysis. These problems are common in newly produced sequences that are poorly annotated and may contain frame-shifts, wrong domains or non-homologous spliced exons.

Challenges are to be faced by using MSA are as follows :

Development of adequate benchmarking techniques
Informative enough with respect to all potential applications of MSA methods
Reconstruction of accurate phylogenies
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Ebrahim Siddiky -
Multiple sequence alignment(MSA) is necessary to minimize the number of insertions/deletions (gaps) and, as a consequence, produce compact alignments. This causes several problems if the sequences to be aligned contain non-homologous regions, if gaps are informative in a phylogeny analysis. These problems are common in newly produced sequences that are poorly annotated and may contain frame-shifts, wrong domains or non-homologous spliced exons.

Challenges are to be faced by using MSA are as follows :
Development of adequate benchmarking techniques
Informative enough with respect to all potential applications of MSA methods
Reconstruction of accurate phylogenies
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Mahfuzur Rahman -
Why MSA is necessary?

A faint similarity between two sequences becomes significant if present in many Multiple alignments can reveal subtle similarities that pairwise alignments do not reveal.

What challenges are to be faced by using MSA?

•Computationally Expensive
•Difficult to score
•Difficulty increases with diversity
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan


by Ramim Hossain -
MSA is defined as an experimental and mathematical method of determining the amount of variation that exists within a measurement process. ... MSA is used to certify the measurement system for use by evaluating the system's accuracy, precision and stability.

Changes to swallowing. Changes to the mouth, throat and face muscles may result in times when your swallow...
Fatigue. Many people living with MSA will experience fatigue. ...
Sleeping. ...
Eating & drinking. ...
Saliva management. ...
Low blood pressure & monitoring. ...
Continence. ...
Dizziness/Postural Hypotension.