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Scanning and skimming

Scanning and skimming

by Mst. Khadiza Akter Sammi -
Number of replies: 0

Scanning:  Scanning is the process of quickly searching for specific information within a text, such as a name, date, or keyword. It involves running your eyes over the text to find the desired information, without reading the entire document.

Example 1: Looking for a particular phone number or address in a directory or guidebook and searching for a specific term or phrase in a lengthy document or website.

Example 2: Identifying the main points or conclusions in a research paper or report.

Skimming: Skimming is the process of quickly reading through a text to get a general overview of its content, without focusing on the details. It involves reading the title, headings, subheadings, and any other prominent features to get a sense of the main ideas and themes.

Examples 1 : Previewing a textbook chapter or article before reading it in-depth and quickly reviewing the table of contents or index of a book to find relevant sections.

Example 2 : Scanning through a news article or blog post to determine if it contains information that is relevant to your interests or needs.