Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

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Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Suvo Ghosh -

I think solar system is best for future power generation in Bangladesh.I know it's costing price is high but it's really effective for us.

In reply to Suvo Ghosh

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by kanij Ahmad -

But will it sufficient to meet the large future power demand .

In reply to kanij Ahmad

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Suvo Ghosh -

Sorry for late reply.No it's not that much sufficient to meet the power demand of bangladesh. But it help a lot to gather more power power than we can imagine if we install and maintain it properly.

In reply to kanij Ahmad

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Shakil Talukder -
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Anas Rahman(172-33-4001) -

Answer: I think wind energy source has the most prospect for power generation in Bangladesh . this is not harmful for our environment. the potential of wind energy is not fully explored in Bangladesh. but i think it will be our next energy source.wind energy is most useful for developing country because it is renewable .

In reply to Anas Rahman(172-33-4001)

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by jamim hasan -

But i think there are some drawbacks in wind energy sources  like power generated is quite small and unreliable because of uncertainty about wind pressure .      

In reply to jamim hasan

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by kanij Ahmad -

Correct, it can't be a prime source but can be a useful auxiliary.

In reply to Anas Rahman(172-33-4001)

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by kanij Ahmad -
In my opinion , wind energy sector need to explore, but it can"t be a prime source of electricity generation as demand is pretty high.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Nigara sultana nipu -

  • In this matter My opinion will be Solar and hydro power.
In reply to Nigara sultana nipu

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by kanij Ahmad -

The arrangement for Hydro is not convenient for our country.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Arafat Pritom -

Solar energy system has the most future prospect for power generation in bangladesh.its not harmful for the environment also.One more thing the place selection for this is very easy from others.

In reply to Arafat Pritom

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by kanij Ahmad -

Is there any provision for our country to give away huge area for solar panel installation?

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by jamim hasan -

 In my opinion renewable energy  source has the most future prospect for power generation in our country  as Bangladesh is heavily( Around 62%)  relying on natural gas.  

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by kanij Ahmad -

Why any of you not considering nuclear energy for future prospects as we know huge amount of electricity can generate from a nuclear power plant?

In reply to kanij Ahmad

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Suvojit Das Partho -

Yes , a lot of energy is generated from nuclear energy source. It provides the world with the most of its electricity.  Its good for the economy also. But it has disadvantages too.  Disposing of the nuclear waste is very difficult and needs to be done after a lot of planning. The waste is very dangerous and radioactive. Uranium is not renewable and can lead to environmental problems. 

In reply to kanij Ahmad

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by jamim hasan -

Yes, nuclear energy can play a great role   in power generation of our country in future.   

In reply to kanij Ahmad

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Mohibullah Hossain Abir -
I think solar energy source is best for future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Omor Faruk Abid -

I think both solar and wind power source is the most prospect for power generation in Bangladesh 

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by ashraful islam -

I think solar & wind power system is best for future power generation in Bangladesh.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Mahmudul Hasan -

In my opinion, solar, water and nuclear energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md khairul Hassan Ratul -

Solar powered irrigation is the breakthrough technology for energy stricken agro-based economy. However Bio fuels also can be produced from a variety of plants like rapeseed, mustard, corn, sunflower, canola algae, soybean, pulses, sugarcane, wheat, maize, and palm.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Sadik Amin -

In my opinion solar power system will be future power system. 

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Asrafonnasa Bithy -

I think solar energy source is best for future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Aflatun Kawser -

In my opinion, Solar energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

My opinion fullfil when our government meet our following needs:

1. If we setup a huge industries for manufacturing high quality solar panel.

2. Producing raw materials of solar converter,  inverter and batteries.

3. Productions quality good and productions rate is high.

Why Solar energy efficient for Bangaldesh:

1. In our country we know land problem is a biggest problem. If we have to setup in our top roof in every home it's possible to cover our power shortage and fixing land problem.

2. Cost is very small when it's possible fullfil all the needs to setup with a small amount of cost.

3. This will keep the environment good.

4. In this way we reduce heat in our home from sunlight.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Sanjoy Deb -

In my point of view, in future we have a great opportunity with solar power. we can consume a lot of energy if we know the best use of this renewable energy. I also think,if we can ensure the use of this renewable energy then it will be able to meet the demand of our huge population.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Sanjoy Deb -
In my point of view, in future we have a great opportunity with solar power. we can consume a lot of energy if we know the best use of this renewable energy. I also think,if we can ensure the use of this renewable energy then it will be able to meet the demand of our huge population.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Asad Ali -

In my opinion,  Solar power system will be future power system. because 

 Bangladesh is at the top among the countries Using solar energy in the world.Out of 6 million solar panels in the world, 4 million are used in Bangladesh.                   

In reply to Asad Ali

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Shakil Talukder -

I agree with you. 

In reply to Shakil Talukder

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Imran Hossain Imran Hossain -

I  agree with u

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Suvojit Das Partho -

Renewable energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh. They are clean energy, they don't pollute the air and they don't contribute to global warming. Renewable energy sources consists of solar, hydro, wind, biomass etc. Between them, I think solar and biomass energy sources are the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

Solar energy offers some key qualities like having no waste and emission, resulting no adverse effects on the environment and ideally suited for distributed resource application.

As an agricultural country, Bangladesh possesses the potential for power generation from biomass sources. Biomass energy is reliable. It can be generated from every day human and animal wastes, vegetable and agriculture left-over etc. Growing biomass crops use up carbon dioxide and produces oxygen.

In reply to Suvojit Das Partho

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Ismat Jahan Nabila 172-33-3993 -

Yeah! I totally agree with you.

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cussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md. Rubel Hossain -

I think the wind pressure is most prospect for future power generation in Bangladesh.. I think its very usefull in our condition.The cost is  high but the Effective valu is the wind source is better in future prospect in Bangladesh 

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md. Arifur Rahman -

Bangladesh has small reserves of oil and coal, but very large natural gas resources. Commercial energy consumption comes mostly from natural gas (around 66%), followed by oil, hydropower, and coal.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by arafat hossen (173-33-4338) -

In my opinion solor power is a best source for generate the power and it's also cost effective.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md Mahfuzor Rahman -

I think wind power plant and nuclear power plant


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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md Apo Bhuiyan -

I think wind power plant and nuclear power plant

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Al Razu -

I think, nuclear energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh. We have to keep pace with the modern world. Our fuels are limited, land areas are limited also. So we have to best use of these. A lot of energy is generated from nuclear energy source. It provides the world with the most of its electricity. Its good for the economy also. The amount of fuel requires is quite small. It is estimated that heat produced by 1 kg of nuclear fuel is equal to that produced by 4500 tonnes of coal. A nuclear power plant requires less space as compared to any other type of the same size. It has low running charges as a small amount of fuel is used for producing bulk electrical energy. But it has disadvantages too.  Disposing of the nuclear waste is very difficult . The waste is very dangerous and radioactive. We cannot totally removed this radioactivity but we should try to reduce its harmful radioactivity as much as possible and it usable.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Maien Uddin -

 In my opinion, I think solar energy is needs to emphasize for the future power generation of Bangladesh. Because one of the major challenges Bangladesh would be facing in years to come is the lack of energy resources. It is not a matter of surprise that gas reserves of Bangladesh might deplete within next 15-20 years. Additionally, Bangladesh does not have oil sources and coal does not seem to be a popular choice either. Looking at this condition shifting towards renewable energy sources gradually looks like the only feasible solution. 

Bangladesh without any doubt one of the most promising countries which would be ideal for solar energy situating between 20.30 and 26.38 degrees north latitude and 88.04 and 92.44 degrees east. On an average, it has 300 days of sunshine around the year. The maximum amount of radiation is available around March-April and minimum amount of energy found around December-January. The alarming fact is that the solar energy reaching Bangladesh would be 105 times the energy generated as electricity from other sources. However, currently in Bangladesh most of the solar cells are implemented in the solar home system (SHS).

In reply to Maien Uddin

Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Shakil Talukder -
According to the Bangladesh's Power Sector Master Plan 2016 (PSMP–2016), the country has the potential to generate a combined 3.6 GW of electricity from renewable energy sources. Another research has estimated that the potential from wind power alone stands at 20 GW.
Responsibility for policy-setting: Ministry of Po
Electricity sector law: Energy Regulatory Com
Installed capacity: 20000 MW
Electricity coverage: 95% (2018)

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Azad Rahman -

Hydroelectricity is the large and most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.The cost of hydroelectricity is relatively low, making it a competitive source of renewable electricity.

Its produce No Waste.An important advantage of hydroelectric dams is their ability to be used as a peaking power plant. When the electricity demand declines, the dam simply stores more water. Water that has been stored in a reservoir can be released when needed.the energy can be made quickly. Some hydroelectricity generators use pumped storage to store excess energy, by using the electricity to pump water up into a basin. Electricity can be generated when demand increases. This flexibility also makes hydroelectricity a good match for energy resources. So i think hydroelectricity is Future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Arifur Rahman 172-33-4126 -

I think wind energy source has the most prospect for power generation in Bangladesh . this is not harmful for our environment. the potential of wind energy is not fully explored in Bangladesh. but i think it will be our next energy source.wind energy is most useful for developing country because it is renewable

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Syeda Rehnoma Tanzom -

i think nuclear energy has the most future prospect.

the overall efficiency of a nuclear power plant is much higher than other power plants. and it requires less amount of fuel. the increasing amount of houses, offices, factories need bulk electric power everyday. this type of plant is very economical for producing this huge amount of electric power. but the big problem is the disposal of the radioactive product. if we can take care of this problem properly, then nuclear power plant can be our permanent solution.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.


At present we have coal window mills and gas naturally. Also the cheapest are solar panels and nuclear power plants and may be the source of electricity for our future. But we should use solar and nuclear energy to generate electricity and gas. Towards the end, when we think about ourselves and our future, solar energy and solar energy will be the only source for the future

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md. Kowsar Ahmed -

in my opinion Nuclear power plant is the best for  future power generation in Bangladesh.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by sakib hasan -

In my opnion Wind energy source has the most future prospect for power geberation in bangladesh. 

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by shoheli afrose -

In my opinion in our future we have a lot of opportunity with solar power plant. In solar system we can consume a lot of energy.    

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Pavel Sajjad Khan -
Based on my research, I think Nuclear Energy needs to be emphasized for the future power generation of Bangladesh.

Although nuclear power stations take considerable investment to build, they have low running costs and longevity - meaning they are particularly cost effective. And Nuclear energy can easily help meet our country's electrical power demands.

It is estimated the amount of energy released in a nuclear fission reaction is ten million times greater than the amount released in burning a fossil fuel atom (e.g. oil and gas). Therefore, the amount of fuel required in a nuclear power plant is much smaller compared to those of other types of power plants.

And it’s also low-carbon generating and environmentally friendly. Most of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with nuclear power stations happen during construction and fuel processing, not when electricity is being generated.
So, I think nuclear energy is the best solution for meeting our countries electrical demand.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Kaosar Jahan Ridoy -
Nuclear will be the best plan of action.
we have a large population But our country is small so we don't have the space to fulfill our power need by any other plant.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Marufur Rahman -
In my opinion, biomass and nuclear energy source needs to emphasize for the future power generation of Bangladesh.

bio waste are largely available in our county. we cannot re-use it properly. If we re-use it properly for generating electricity we can full fill our demand in power sector and our environment will be free from pollution.

Although nuclear power stations take considerable because they have low running costs and longevity. And Nuclear energy can easily help meet our country's electrical power demands.

Comparing with other thermal power plant and nuclear power plant we get 1kg of uranium is equal 4500ton coal. Waste management of nuclear power plant is easier than coal based power plant. And it’s also low-carbon generating and environmentally friendly. So, I think nuclear energy is better solution for meeting our countries electrical demand.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md. Faysal Islam -
I think solar power plant and nuclear power plant.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Julfikar Hayder -
I think Nuclear power plant is most prospect for power generation
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by al mahmud -
nuclear power plant is the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Masud Rana -
Renewable energy sources and nuclear energy source the most future prospect for power generation in bangladesh
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by abdul wahab -
In my opinion, nuclear power plant has the most future prospective in energy generation for bangladesh
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Nishat Tasnim 172-33-3980 -
I think Nuclear power plant is the most prospect for power generation.
Except the hydroelectric plant, it has the minimum running cost because small amount of fuel can produce relatively large amount of power.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by AS M Nasim (172-33-4248) -
I think nuclear power plant has the most future prospect for Banglades. It can produce more electricity from small amount of fuel